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      首頁 > 產品展示 > > M3TM Culture Media Family > M3TM Culture Media Family

      M3TM Culture Media Family

      描述:INCELL’s M3™ Medium is a complex formulation with multiple growth factors and supplements.


      INCELL’s M3™ Medium is a complex formulation with multiple growth factors and supplements. M3™ was formulated to grow fragile and fastidious human and animal stem cells from multiple types of normal and diseased tissues.

      M3TM Base Culture Media

      Description: M3:Base™ is a proprietary, serum free, highly enriched culture media for fastidious human and mammalian cell types. M3:Base™contains numerous growth factors, supplements, and buffers, but may require blood components or serum additives, depending on cell type. M3:Base™is used as a basal medium and contains antibiotics* unless otherwise indicated.

      Item #

      Unit Type

      Unit Size

      Unit Price


      Media (A)

      100 ml*



      Media (A)

      500 ml



      Media (A)

      Case of 6/500


      M3TM Base F Culture Media

      Description: M3:F Base™is a proprietary, serum free, highly enriched culture media for fastidious human and mammalian cell types. M3:F Base™contains numerous growth factors, supplements, and buffers, but may require blood components or serum additives, depending on cell type. M3:F Base™is used as a basal medium and is antibiotic free (F). Antibiotics can be added.

      Item #

      Unit Type

      Unit Size

      Unit Price


      Media (F)

      100 ml*



      Media (F)

      500 ml



      Media (F)

      Case of 6/500 ml


      M3DTM Defined Media

      Description :M3:D™is a defined medium used as the starting solution for all M3 Media. M3D™ contains salts, amino acids, and sugars, but no growth factors or undefined components such as serum or extracts.

      Item #

      Unit Type

      Unit Size

      Unit Price


      Media (F)

      100 ml*



      Media (F)

      500 ml



      Media (F)

      Case of 6/500 ml


      M3:10TM Culture Media

       M3:10™, a derivative of M3™base, contains a proprietary formulation, growth factors, 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and antibiotics* unless otherwise specified. M3:10™ is used to grow embryonic and adult stem cells, fastidious mesenchymal cells as attached cultures and as the "starter medium" for most tumor cells (attached and/or suspension cultures). Useful with many standard cell lines to improve growth and expression of differentiation and/or organotypic genes.

      Item #

      Unit Type

      Unit Size

      Unit Price


      Media (A)

      100 ml*



      Media (A)

      500 ml



      Media (A)

      Case of 6/500 ml


      Media Designations:
      (A): Contains Antibiotics
      (F): Antibiotics-Free
      (G): Contains Gentamycin
      (S): Custom Formulation
      * Limited Quantities Available

      To Order: Please call 1.800.364.1765


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      上一條:ACE Serum-Free Culture Medium
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