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      Southernbiotech 7折優惠

      描述:我公司新推出簡單快速經典的ELISA法鼠單抗的克隆分型試劑盒,這一ELISA試劑盒應用于: 抗體生產雜交瘤的初步篩選,亞克隆后產生特異性抗體雜交瘤細胞的二次篩選, 抗體分型,發生isotype switch后的篩選和分離,與小鼠標準品或小鼠血清聯合應用于小鼠血清免疫球蛋白的定量分析

      單克隆抗體分型試劑盒 (5300-05)
      一: 單克隆抗體Ig分型試劑盒
      在小鼠單抗的生產中,雜交瘤的篩選和鑒別無疑是zui重要的步驟,您也期待一種簡單、快速、方便而環保的檢測方法。我公司(北京希凱創新科技有限公司)新推出簡單快速經典的ELISA法鼠單抗的克隆分型試劑盒,這一ELISA試劑盒應用于: 抗體生產雜交瘤的初步篩選,亞克隆后產生特異性抗體雜交瘤細胞的二次篩選, 抗體分型,發生isotype switch后的篩選和分離,與小鼠標準品或小鼠血清聯合應用于小鼠血清免疫球蛋白的定量分析。

      5300-01Mouse Immunoglobulin Panel0.1mg southernbiotech
      5300-04SBA Clonotyping System/APkit  
      5300-05SBA Clonotyping System/HRP(現貨)kit  

      小鼠Ig同型對照Panel (5300-01):包括小鼠IgM,IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3各 0.1mg
      SBA克隆分型系統/AP (5300-04):以AP標記抗體,PNPP為酶底物
      SBA克隆分型系統/HRP (5300-05):以HRP標記抗體,ABTS為酶底物
      Mouse Immunoglobulin PanelCat. No: 5300-01 Kit
      測定:酶聯免疫吸附試驗( ELISA ) 。
      1ml純化小鼠IgM,, 100 μ g / ml
      1ml純化小鼠IgG1 ,100 μ g / ml
      1ml純化小鼠IgG2a ,100 μ g / ml
      1ml純化小鼠IgG2b ,100 μ g / ml
      1ml純化小鼠IgG3 ,100 μ g / ml
      1ml純化小鼠IgA,100 μ g / ml
      確保批間差 ,每一批產品都是經過SDS - PAGE測試,可作為一個標準的參考試劑。
      純化的免疫球蛋白是作為1.0 mL解決方案( 100 μ g / ml)在100毫米硼酸緩沖液中pH值8.0 ,沒有防腐劑或胺含有緩沖鹽補充。該isotype可以儲存數個月,在2-8 ° C時沒有活性的損失。標準應aliquoted和儲存在-20 ° C可長期儲存。
      SBA Clonotyping? System/AP   Cat. No:5300-04 Kit
      應用:堿性磷酸酶為基礎的應用酶聯-免疫-吸附試驗( ELISA )和免疫印跡。
      1 ml 山羊抗小鼠Ig的捕獲抗體(2.5 mg/ml)
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗小鼠免疫球蛋白抗體
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgM
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgG1
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgG2a
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgG2b
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgG3
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠IgA
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠κ
      1 ml AP標記的山羊抗鼠λ
      P-硝基苯基磷酸襯底片( 20 × 5mg)
      確保批間差 ,每一批產品使用ELISA檢測與標準參考試劑對照。工作液。
      ELISA方法(AP) : 1:250-1:500
      geSBA Clonotyping? System/HRP
      產品貨號: 5300-05 Kit
      lml 山羊抗小鼠Ig的捕獲抗體 (2.5 mg/mL)]
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠Ig篩選抗體
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠IgM
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠IgG1
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小數IgG2a
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠IgG2b
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠IgGG3
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠IgA
      1ml HRP標記的山羊抗小鼠K
      1ml JRP標記的山羊抗小鼠λ
      確保批間差 ,每一批產品使用ELISA檢測與標準參考試劑對照。
      ELISA (HRP): 1:250-1:500
      制備ARTS底物儲存液,使用雙蒸水溶合15 mg ABTSml 在2-8°C儲存。
      將的捕獲抗體在 100 mM pH。
      8.0硼酸緩沖液或pH 7.4的PBS 中稀釋到5-10 μg/Ml ,在每個ELISA的每孔中放入 0.1 mL 。
      倒掉液體 ,用含有0.05%土溫的BBS (or PBS) 清洗3次, 倒掉液體,用含有 1%的牛血清蛋白的BBS (or PBS)填滿每個孔。
      將抗體包被的板子在室溫孵育1小時。倒掉液體,清洗三次。在每個孔加0.1 mL 雜交瘤液體,蓋好并在室溫孵育1小時,或在2-8°C輕震蕩。倒掉液體,清洗3次。稀釋HRP標記的抗體 在每個孔加入0.1 mL連接液,蓋好并在室溫孵育1小時或 2-8°C輕震動。
      X. 倒掉 清洗5次。
      2. 制備底物液體 將50ml雙蒸水加入525mg 檸檬酸 震動至溶解,用3N NaOH 調節pH to 4.0;10ml檸檬酸底物緩沖業加0.2 mL of ABTS。
      在加入底物10min和20min 在405nm讀取每個孔德光密度。
      Record data.記錄數據。
      純的抗體是100 mM硼酸鹽緩沖液pH 8.2 無防腐劑 2-8°C。
      HRP連接是在50%甘油和50%的PBS pH 8.2 ,無防腐劑 2-8°C。
      所有成分在2-8°C儲存數月 不影響活性。 為了保存更長時間 純抗體和HRP連接的抗體等份不稀釋,-20°C。

       貨號 品名 規格 目錄價(¥)
      0040-01 Normal Rabbit Serum 5 mL ¥420.00
      0050-01 Normal Mouse Serum 5 mL ¥770.00
      0060-01 Normal Goat Serum 10 mL ¥560.00
      0100-01 Fluoromount-G 25 mL ¥490.00
      0100-20 Dapi-Fluoromount-G 20 mL ¥560.00
      0101-01 Mouse IgM-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,430.00
      0101-02 Mouse IgM-FITC 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0101-08 Mouse IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,030.00
      0101-09 Mouse IgM-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0101-11 Mouse IgM-APC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0101-13 Mouse IgM-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0101-14 Mouse IgM-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,290.00
      0101-16 Mouse IgM-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0101-17 Mouse IgM-PE/Cy7 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0102-01 Mouse IgG1-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,430.00
      0102-02 Mouse IgG1-FITC 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0102-04 Mouse IgG1-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,270.00
      0102-05 Mouse IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,850.00
      0102-08 Mouse IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,030.00
      0102-09 Mouse IgG1-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0102-10 Mouse IgG1-PE/TXRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      0102-11 Mouse IgG1-APC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0102-13 Mouse IgG1-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0102-14 Mouse IgG1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0102-15 Mouse IgG1-CY5 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      0102-16 Mouse IgG1-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0102-17 Mouse IgG1-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0102-18 Mouse IgG1-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0102-19 Mouse IgG1-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0102-30 Mouse IgG1-AF488 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      0102-31 Mouse IgG1-AF647 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      0103-01 Mouse IgG2a-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,430.00
      0103-02 Mouse IgG2a-FITC 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0103-04 Mouse IgG2a-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,270.00
      0103-05 Mouse IgG2a-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,850.00
      0103-08 Mouse IgG2a-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,030.00
      0103-09 Mouse IgG2a-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0103-10 Mouse IgG2a-PE/TXRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      0103-11 Mouse IgG2a-APC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0103-13 Mouse IgG2a-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0103-14 Mouse IgG2a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0103-15 Mouse IgG2a-CY5 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      0103-16 Mouse IgG2a-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0103-17 Mouse IgG2a-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0103-18 Mouse IgG2a-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0103-19 Mouse IgG2a-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0103-30 Mouse IgG2a-AF488 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      0103-31 Mouse IgG2a-AF647 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      0104-01 Mouse IgG2b-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,430.00
      0104-02 Mouse IgG2b-FITC 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0104-04 Mouse IgG2b-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,270.00
      0104-05 Mouse IgG2b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,850.00
      0104-08 Mouse IgG2b-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,030.00
      0104-09 Mouse IgG2b-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0104-11 Mouse IgG2b-APC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0104-12 Mouse IgG2b-CY3 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      0104-13 Mouse IgG2b-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0104-14 Mouse IgG2b-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0104-15 Mouse IgG2b-CY5 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      0104-16 Mouse IgG2b-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0104-17 Mouse IgG2b-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0104-18 Mouse IgG2b-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0104-19 Mouse IgG2b-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0104-28 Mouse IgG2b-BIMA 0.5 mg ¥3,290.00
      0105-01 Mouse IgG3-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,430.00
      0105-02 Mouse IgG3-FITC 100 tests ¥1,960.00
      0105-08 Mouse IgG3-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,030.00
      0105-09 Mouse IgG3-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0105-11 Mouse IgG3-APC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0105-13 Mouse IgG3-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0105-14 Mouse IgG3-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0105-16 Mouse IgG3-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0105-17 Mouse IgG3-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      0106-01 Mouse IgA-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,990.00
      0106-02 Mouse IgA-FITC 100 tests ¥1,890.00
      0106-08 Mouse IgA-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,430.00
      0106-09 Mouse IgA-PE 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0106-11 Mouse IgA-APC 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      0106-13 Mouse IgA-SPRD 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      0106-14 Mouse IgA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      0106-16 Mouse IgA-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      0106-17 Mouse IgA-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      0106-18 Mouse IgA-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      0106-19 Mouse IgA-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      0107-01 Mouse IgG-UNLB 10 mg ¥1,400.00
      0107-02 Mouse IgG-FITC 0.5 mg ¥770.00
      0107-04 Mouse IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,190.00
      0107-08 Mouse IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,050.00
      0107-09 Mouse IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      0107-10 Mouse IgG-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      0107-11 Mouse IgG-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,380.00
      0107-13 Mouse IgG-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0107-14 Mouse IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      0107-16 Mouse IgG-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0107-17 Mouse IgG-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0107-18 Mouse IgG-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0107-19 Mouse IgG-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0108-01 Rat IgG-UNLB 10 mg ¥1,400.00
      0108-02 Rat IgG-FITC 0.5 mg ¥770.00
      0108-08 Rat IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥910.00
      0108-09 Rat IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      0108-10 Rat IgG-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      0108-11 Rat IgG-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,380.00
      0108-13 Rat IgG-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0108-14 Rat IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      0108-15 Rat IgG-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      0108-16 Rat IgG-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0108-17 Rat IgG-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0108-18 Rat IgG-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0109-01 Goat IgG-UNLB 10 mg ¥1,050.00
      0109-02 Goat IgG-FITC 100 tests ¥420.00
      0109-03 Goat IgG-TRITC 100 tests ¥420.00
      0109-08 Goat IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥630.00
      0109-09 Goat IgG-PE 100 tests ¥1,050.00
      0109-11 Goat IgG-APC 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0109-13 Goat IgG-SPRD 100 tests ¥1,120.00
      0109-14 Goat IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥1,960.00
      0109-17 Goat IgG-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥1,260.00
      0110-01 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-UNLB 5 mg  ¥2,310.00
      0110-02 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-FITC 100 tests ¥1,050.00
      0110-08 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      0110-09 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-PE 100 tests ¥1,610.00
      0110-11 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-APC 100 tests ¥1,820.00
      0110-13 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-SPRD 100 tests ¥1,680.00
      0110-14 Goat F(ab')2 IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      0110-15 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-CY5 100 tests ¥1,680.00
      0110-16 Goat F(ab’)2 IgG-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥1,680.00
      0111-01 Rabbit IgG-UNLB 10 mg  ¥1,120.00
      0111-02 Rabbit IgG-FITC 100 tests ¥700.00
      0111-09 Rabbit IgG-PE 100 tests ¥1,050.00
      0111-14 Rabbit IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      0112-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 IgG-UNLB 5 mg  ¥2,450.00
      0112-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 IgG-FITC 100 tests ¥1,540.00
      0112-09 Rabbit F(ab’)2 IgG-PE 100 tests ¥1,890.00
      0113-01 Rabbit IgM-UNLB 0.5mg ¥1,890.00
      0114-01 Mouse IgE-UNLB 0.25 mg ¥2,030.00
      0115-01 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      0115-02 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-FITC 100 tests ¥2,030.00
      0115-09 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-PE 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      0115-11 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-APC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      0115-13 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      0115-14 Mouse F(ab’)2 IgG1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      0116-01 Rat IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0116-02 Rat IgG1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      0116-04 Rat IgG1-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      0116-05 Rat IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      0116-08 Rat IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      0116-09 Rat IgG1-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      0116-11 Rat IgG1-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      0116-13 Rat IgG1-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      0116-14 Rat IgG1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0116-16 Rat IgG1-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0116-17 Rat IgG1-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0116-18 Rat IgG1-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0116-19 Rati IgG1-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0117-01 Rat IgG2a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0117-02 Rat IgG2a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      0117-08 Rat IgG2a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      0117-09 Rat IgG2a-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      0117-10 Rat IgG2a-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      0117-11 Rat IgG2a-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      0117-13 Rat IgG2a-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      0117-14 Rat IgG2a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0117-15 Rat IgG2a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      0117-16 Rat IgG2a-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0117-17 Rat IgG2a-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0117-18 Rat IgG2a-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0117-19 Rat IgG2a-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0117-30 Rat IgG2a-AF488 0.1 mg ¥2,030.00
      0117-31 Rat IgG2a-AF647 0.1 mg ¥2,030.00
      0118-01 Rat IgG2b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0118-02 Rat IgG2b-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      0118-04 Rat IgG2b-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      0118-05 Rat IgG2b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      0118-08 Rat IgG2b-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      0118-09 Rat IgG2b-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      0118-10 Rat IgG2b-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      0118-11 Rat IgG2b-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      0118-13 Rat IgG2b-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      0118-14 Rat IgG2b-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0118-15 Rat IgG2b-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      0118-16 Rat IgG2b-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0118-17 Rat IgG2b-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0118-18 Rat IgG2b-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0118-19 Rat IgG2b-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0119-01 Rat IgG2c-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0119-02 Rat IgG2c-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      0119-08 Rat IgG2c-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      0119-09 Rat IgG2c-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      0119-11 Rat IgG2c-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      0119-14 Rat IgG2c-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0120-01 Rat IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0120-02 Rat IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      0120-08 Rat IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      0120-09 Rat IgM-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      0120-11 Rat IgM-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      0120-13 Rat IgM-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      0120-14 Rat IgM-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      0120-17 Rat IgM-PE/Cy7 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      0120-22 Rat IgM-FLMA 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      0121-01 Hamster IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      0121-02 Hamster IgG-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      0121-08 Hamster IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      0121-09 Hamster IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      0121-11 Hamster IgG-APC 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      0121-13 Hamster IgG-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      0121-14 Hamster IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      0121-15 Hamster IgG-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,590.00
      0121-16 Hamster IgG-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      0121-17 Hamster IgG-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      0121-18 Hamster IgG-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,220.00
      0121-31 Hamster IgG-AF647 0.1 mg ¥2,030.00
      0122-01 Mouse IgG2c-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,780.00
      0122-08 Mouse IgG2c-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      0127-01 Rat IgG2b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0129-01 Canine IgG-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥910.00
      0130-01 Goat IgG Fc-UNLB 2.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      0131-01 Goat IgG Fab-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      0133-01 Sheep IgG-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥560.00
      0133-08 Sheep IgG-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      0133-09 Sheep IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,050.00
      0135-01 Rhesus Monkey IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥630.00
      0137-01 Swine IgG-UNLB 10 mg  ¥910.00
      0150-01 Human IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      0150-04 Human IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,190.00
      0150-05 Human IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,050.00
      0151K-01 Human IgG1 Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      0151K-04 Human IgG1 Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      0151K-05 Human IgG1 Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      0151K-09 Human IgG1 Kappa-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      0151K-14 Human IgG1 Kappa-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      0151L-01 Human IgG1 Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      0151L-04 Human IgG1 Lambda-AP 1.0 mL  ¥1,960.00
      0151L-05 Human IgG1 Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      0155K-01 Human IgA Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      0155K-04 Human IgA Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      0155K-05 Human IgA Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      0155L-01 Human IgA Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      0155L-04 Human IgA Lambda-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      0155L-05 Human IgA Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      0160-01 Human Fc IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥3,710.00
      0160-14 Human Fc IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      0170-01 Chicken IgY-UNLB 10 mg ¥1,400.00
      0170-05 Chicken IgY-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,120.00
      0201-01 pNPP Substrate, Tablet 50 x 5 mg ¥840.00
      0202-01 ABTS Substrate, Powder 500 mg ¥980.00
      0203-01 ONGP Substrate, Powder 500 mg ¥980.00
      0204-01 NBT Substrate, Powder 200 mg ¥840.00
      0205-01 BCIP Substrate, Powder 100 mg ¥980.00
      0210-01 Lymphocyte Stimulation Cocktail (500x) 100 tests ¥2,310.00
      0215-01 Fixation & Permeabilization Kit 1 kit ¥2,940.00
      0225-01L Cell Staining Buffer 500 mL ¥1,050.00
      0225-01M Cell Staining Buffer 250 mL ¥560.00
      0225-01S Cell Staining Buffer 100 mL ¥350.00
      0230-01 Sample/Standard ELISA Set Diluent 60mL ¥560.00
      0302-01 BCIP/NBT Substrate, Solution 100 mL ¥980.00
      0304-01 TMB Substrate, Solution 100 mL ¥980.00
      0401-01 ABTS One Component Microwell Substrate, Solution 100 mL ¥420.00
      0403-01 ABTS Stop Solution, Solution 100 mL ¥210.00
      0410-01 TMB One Component Microwell Substrate, Solution 100 mL ¥420.00
      0411-01 TMB One Component Microwell Substrate, Powder 5 g ¥1,120.00
      0412-01 TMB Stop Solution (450nm), Solution 100 mL ¥210.00
      0413-01 TMB Stop Solution (650nm), Solution 100 mL ¥210.00
      0421-01 pNPP One Component Microwell Substrate, Solution 100 mL ¥420.00
      0430-01 BCIP/NBT One Component Membrane Substrate (Blue), Solution 100 mL ¥420.00
      0431-01 BCIP/NBT One Component Membrane Substrate (Purple), Solution 100 mL ¥420.00
      10010-02 Aposcreen Annexin V Apoptosis Kit-FITC 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      10010-09 Aposcreen Annexin V Apoptosis Kit-PE 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      10030-01 Mouse Anti-Human Bcl-xL-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,550.00
      10030-02 Mouse Anti-Human Bcl-xL-FITC 0.1 mg ¥4,620.00
      10030-08 Mouse Anti-Human Bcl-xL-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10030-09 Mouse Anti-Human Bcl-xL-PE 0.1 mg ¥5,320.00
      10035-01 Mouse Anti-Human Bcl-xL-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      10039-01 Aposcreen Annexin V-UNLB 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      10039-02 Aposcreen Annexin V-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      10039-08 Aposcreen Annexin V-BIOT 100 tests ¥3,920.00
      10040-01 Aposcreen Annexin V-UNLB 0.1mg ¥1,820.00
      10040-02 Aposcreen Annexin V-FITC 100 tests ¥1,890.00
      10040-08 Aposcreen Annexin V-BIOT 100 tests ¥1,960.00
      10040-09 Aposcreen Annexin V-PE 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      10040-11 Aposcreen Annexin V-APC 100 tests ¥2,870.00
      10040-15 Aposcreen Annexin V-Cy5 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      10042-01 Aposcreen 7-AAD 100 tests  ¥560.00
      10044-01 Aposcreen Propidium Iodide 100 tests ¥770.00
      10045-01 Annexin V Binding Buffer 10x 50 mL ¥560.00
      10050-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse Bax-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      10055-01 Mouse Anti-Human Bax-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      10060-01 Mouse Anti-Bax-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      10065-01 Mouse Anti-Bcl-2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      10080-01 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 8-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10080-02 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 8-FITC 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      10080-05 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 8-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,200.00
      10085-01 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 18-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10085-02 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 18-FITC 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      10085-05 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 18-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,200.00
      10085-08 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 18-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      10090-01 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 19-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10090-02 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 19-FITC 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      10090-05 Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 19-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,200.00
      10100-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-10-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1010-01 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-UNLB 2.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      10100-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-10-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1010-02 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      1010-03 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      1010-04 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      1010-05 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1010-06 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      1010-07 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      1010-08 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,680.00
      1010-09 Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1010-09S Goat Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,240.00
      10110-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-10-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10110-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-10-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10111-01 Rat Anti-Human GM-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10111-14 Rat Anti-Human GM-CSF-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,340.00
      10112-01 Rat Anti-Human GM-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10112-08 Rat Anti-Human GM-CSF-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      10113-01 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-g-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      10114-01 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-g-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      10114-02 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-g-FITC 100 tests ¥1,540.00
      10114-08 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-g-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      10114-09 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-g-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      10115-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10115-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-3-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      10116-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10116-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      10117-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10117-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10117-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10118-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10118-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-5-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10119-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10119-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-5-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      10120-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-6-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1012-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,050.00
      10120-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-6-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1012-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      1012-04 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,030.00
      1012-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1012-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      1012-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,010.00
      1012-10 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-PE/TXRD 0.25 mg ¥3,570.00
      10121-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-6-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10121-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-6-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1012-11 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-APC 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      1012-13 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,570.00
      1012-15 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-CY5 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      1012-16 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse Ig, Human ads-PE/CY5.5 0.25 mg  ¥4,200.00
      10122-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-7-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      10122-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-7-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10123-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-7-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      10123-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-7-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      10124-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      10125-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10125-14 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      10126-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      10126-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      10127-01 Rat Anti-Human G-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10127-14 Rat Anti-Human G-CSF-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      10128-01 Rat Anti-Human G-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      10128-08 Rat Anti-Human G-CSF-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1020-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,610.00
      1020-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,680.00
      1020-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      1020-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,240.00
      1020-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      1020-06 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      1020-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      1020-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,750.00
      1020-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1020-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,310.00
      10201-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10201-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      10201-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1020-11L Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1020-11S Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-APC 0.25 mg  ¥2,870.00
      1020-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1020-17 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-PE/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,150.00
      10202-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10202-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      10202-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10202-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      10203-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10203-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10204-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10204-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10205-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10205-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-5-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10206-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10206-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-5-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10207-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-6-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10207-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-6-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10208-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-6-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10208-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-6-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10210-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10210-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1021-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      10210-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1021-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      1021-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      1021-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      1021-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      1021-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      1021-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      1021-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1021-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgM-PE 0.25 mg  ¥1,750.00
      10211-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10211-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      10211-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10211-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10212-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10212-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-3-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      10213-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      10213-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      10214-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-17-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      10214-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-17-FITC 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      10214-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-17-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      10215-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-17-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      10215-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IL-17-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1022-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,470.00
      1022-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,960.00
      1022-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,890.00
      1022-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,850.00
      1022-14 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgM, Human ads-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10229-01 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      10229-08 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10229-14 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      10230-01 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10230-02 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      10230-08 Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1023-01 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,050.00
      10235-01 Rat Anti-Mouse GM-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10235-14 Rat Anti-Mouse GM-CSF-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      10236-01 Rat Anti-Mouse GM-CSF-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      10236-08 Rat Anti-Mouse GM-CSF-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10240-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-g-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      10240-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-g-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      10240-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-g-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      10240-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-g-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1030-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      1030-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      1030-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      1030-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,030.00
      1030-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      1030-06 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      1030-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      1030-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      1030-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1030-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥1,540.00
      1030-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥2,030.00
      1031-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      1031-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      1031-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      1031-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      1031-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      1031-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      1031-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      1031-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      1031-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥1,190.00
      1031-11L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥2,870.00
      1031-11S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-APC 0.25 mg  ¥1,610.00
      1031-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      1032-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      1032-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      1032-04 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      1032-05 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,750.00
      1032-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      1032-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥2,800.00
      1032-11 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-APC  0.25 mg ¥3,710.00
      1032-13 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,500.00
      1032-15 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-CY5 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      1032-16 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-PE/CY5.5 0.25 mg ¥4,130.00
      1033-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Fc-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      1034-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      1034-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1034-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-TRITC 0.5 mg ¥1,960.00
      1034-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-AP 1.0 mL  ¥2,660.00
      1034-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-HRP 1.0 mL  ¥2,310.00
      1034-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-TXRD 0.5 mg ¥1,890.00
      1034-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1034-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Rat ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,550.00
      1036-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)-UNLB  1.0 mg ¥630.00
      1037-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)-UNLB, Hmn/Hrs/Bov SP ads 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      1038-01  Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)-UNLB, Rt/Hm/Gt/SH/Hmn/Rb/Ckn/GP/Hrs/Bv SP ads 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      10400-01 Mouse Anti-Human EGFR-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1040-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      1040-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1040-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-TRITC 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1040-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1040-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      1040-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-TXRD 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1040-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,450.00
      1040-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgA-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      1050-01 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      1050-02 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1050-03 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-TRITC 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1050-04 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,240.00
      1050-05 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      1050-07 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-TXRD 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1050-08 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1050-09 Goat Anti-Mouse Kappa-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      1052-01 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,960.00
      1052-05 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      1052-14 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse Kappa-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1060-01 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      1060-02 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1060-03 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-TRITC 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1060-04 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,240.00
      1060-05 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      1060-07 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-TXRD 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1060-08 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1060-09 Goat Anti-Mouse Lambda-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      10650-01L Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      10650-01S Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-UNLB 0.025 mg ¥910.00
      10650-02L Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-FITC 0.1 mg ¥2,590.00
      10650-02S Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-FITC 0.025 mg ¥1,190.00
      10650-04 Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      10650-05 Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      10650-08L Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥2,590.00
      10650-08S Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-BIOT 0.025 mg ¥1,190.00
      10650-09L Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      10650-09S Mouse Anti-Human ZAP-70-PE 0.025 mg ¥1,330.00
      1070-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,520.00
      1070-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      1070-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1070-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1070-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1070-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,940.00
      1070-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,870.00
      1070-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1070-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,940.00
      1070-11L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      1070-11S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-APC 0.25 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1070-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      1070-19 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-APC/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,640.00
      1072-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1072-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1072-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1072-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG1, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,550.00
      10730-01   Mouse Anti-Influenza A, M-Protein-UNLB                       0.1 mg ¥2,030.00
      10770-01 Mouse Anti-Influenza A Nucleoprotein-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,170.00
      10780-01 Mouse Anti-Influenza A Nucleoprotein-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1079-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,520.00
      1079-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1079-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1079-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1079-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,870.00
      1080-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,520.00
      1080-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      1080-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1080-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1080-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1080-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,940.00
      1080-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,870.00
      1080-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1080-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,940.00
      1080-10 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-PE/TXRD 0.25 mg ¥3,570.00
      1080-11L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      1080-11S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-APC 0.25 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1080-13 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,430.00
      1080-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      1080-17    Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-PE/CY7                      0.25 mg ¥3,150.00
      1080-19 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-APC/Cy7 0.25 mg ¥3,640.00
      10820-01   Mouse Anti-Influenza B, M-Protein-UNLB                       0.1 mg ¥2,450.00
      1082-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1082-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1082-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1082-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2a, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,550.00
      10885-01 Mouse Anti-Influenza B NP-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,170.00
      10900-01 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,410.00
      10900-05 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,040.00
      1090-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,520.00
      1090-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      1090-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1090-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1090-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1090-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,940.00
      1090-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,870.00
      1090-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1090-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,940.00
      1090-11L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      1090-11S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-APC 0.25 mg ¥3,500.00
      1090-13 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,430.00
      1090-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      1090-17 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-PE/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,150.00
      1090-19 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-APC/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,640.00
      10905-01 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,410.00
      10905-05 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,040.00
      10910-01 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      1091-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,030.00
      10910-25 Mouse Anti-GSK-3a-SEPH 50 tests ¥5,950.00
      1091-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      10915-01 Mouse Anti-Human GSK-3b-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,410.00
      10915-25 Mouse Anti-Human GSK-3b-SEPH 50 tests ¥5,950.00
      10920-01 Mouse Anti-Human GSK-3b-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      10920-05 Mouse Anti-Human GSK-3b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,040.00
      1092-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1092-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1092-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1092-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG2b, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,550.00
      10940-01 Mouse Anti-Human FADD-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      10940-25 Mouse Anti-Human FADD-SEPH 50 tests ¥5,040.00
      10941-01 Mouse Anti-Human FADD-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      10941-25 Mouse Anti-Human FADD-SEPH 50 tests ¥5,040.00
      10945-01 Mouse Anti-Human AKT (PKB)-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10945-25 Mouse Anti-Human AKT (PKB)-SEPH 50 tests ¥6,230.00
      10946-01 Mouse Anti-Human AKT (PKB)-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      10946-05 Mouse Anti-Human AKT (PKB)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,320.00
      10946-08 Mouse Anti-Human AKT (PKB)-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥5,040.00
      10951-01 Mouse Anti-Human Bid-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      10960-01 Mouse Anti-Human Perforin-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      11000-01 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      11000-02 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-FITC 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      11000-08 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      11000-09 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-PE 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      1100-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,520.00
      11000-11 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-APC 100 tests ¥4,480.00
      11000-14 Mouse Anti-Human TLR2-LE/AF 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1100-02 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      1100-03 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1100-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1100-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      1100-07 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,940.00
      1100-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,870.00
      1100-09 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1100-09S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,940.00
      1100-13 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,430.00
      1100-15 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-CY5 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      1100-17 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-PE/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,150.00
      1100-19 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-APC/CY7 0.25 mg ¥3,640.00
      11010-01 Mouse Anti-Human TLR4-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1101-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,030.00
      1101-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      11020-01 Mouse Anti-Human TLR6-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1102-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1102-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1102-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1102-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG3, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,550.00
      11040-01 Mouse Anti-Human TRAIL-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      11040-08 Mouse Anti-Human TRAIL-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      11045-01 Anti-Human TRAIL ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      11046-01 Recombinant Human TRAIL 0.005mg ¥2,450.00
      11050-01 Mouse Anti-Human TRAIL-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      11070-01 Mouse Anti-Human SMAC/DIABLO-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      1110-01 Goat Anti-Mouse IgE-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,800.00
      1110-04 Goat Anti-Mouse IgE-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,030.00
      1110-05 Goat Anti-Mouse IgE-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      1110-08 Goat Anti-Mouse IgE-BIOT 1.0  mg ¥3,150.00
      1120-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1120-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1120-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1120-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1120-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,500.00
      1120-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IgD-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1130-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1130-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      1130-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,290.00
      1130-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      1130-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,150.00
      1130-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      1130-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,060.00
      1130-14 Rat Anti-Mouse IgE-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      1139-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      1139-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      1139-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      1140-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1140-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1140-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      1140-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      1140-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1140-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1140-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,270.00
      1140-11 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,990.00
      1140-17 Rat Anti-Mouse IgM-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      1142-01 Rat F(ab')2 Anti-Mouse IgM-UNLB 0.25 mg ¥2,240.00
      1144-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1144-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1144-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      1144-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,520.00
      1144-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1144-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1155-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1155-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1155-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      1155-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,520.00
      1155-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1155-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1155-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2a-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,060.00
      1165-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      1165-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1165-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,290.00
      1165-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,150.00
      1165-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1165-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1165-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgA-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,130.00
      1170-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,170.00
      1170-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1170-02S Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,190.00
      1170-04 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      1170-05 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,080.00
      1170-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1170-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1170-09L Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,130.00
      1175-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,170.00
      1175-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1175-04 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      1175-05 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,080.00
      1175-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1175-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1175-09L Rat Anti-Mouse Lambda-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,130.00
      1180-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,170.00
      1180-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1180-04 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      1180-05 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,080.00
      1180-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1180-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1180-09L Rat Anti-Mouse Kappa-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,130.00
      1185-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      1185-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,590.00
      1185-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,990.00
      1186-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1186-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1186-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,800.00
      1186-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG2b-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1190-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1190-02 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1190-04 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,800.00
      1190-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      1190-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1190-09 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,590.00
      1190-09L Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,990.00
      1191-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1191-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1195-01 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG-UNLB 0.5mg ¥2,170.00
      1195-05 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,080.00
      1195-08 Rat Anti-Mouse IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1200-01S Human Type I Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      1200-02 Bovine Type I Collagen-Lyophilized 0.25 mg ¥2,100.00
      1200-02S Bovine Type I Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1200-03 Rat Type I Collagen-Lyophilized 0.25 mg ¥2,100.00
      1200-03S Rat Type I Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      12011-01 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      12011-05 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,970.00
      12011-08 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-1-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      12015-01 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,340.00
      12015-05 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-2-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,110.00
      12020-01 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-3-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      12020-05 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,410.00
      12025-01 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-9-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      12025-05 Mouse Anti-Human MMP-9-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,620.00
      12035-01 Mouse Anti-Human TIMP-4-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      12035-05 Mouse Anti-Human TIMP-4-HRP 1.0 mL ¥5,040.00
      12060-01 Mouse Anti-Human Tollip-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,340.00
      12070-01 Mouse Anti-Human GFAP-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      12075-01 Mouse Anti-Human GFAP-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      12075-05 Mouse Anti-Human GFAP-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,940.00
      12075-08 Mouse Anti-Human GFAP-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,870.00
      12075-12 Mouse Anti-Human GFAP-CY3 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      12080-01 Mouse Anti-Human Erk1/2 (MAPK)-UNLB 0.05 mg ¥2,730.00
      12080-05 Mouse Anti-Human Erk1/2 (MAPK)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,800.00
      12080-08 Mouse Anti-Human Erk1/2 (MAPK)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      12115-01 Mouse Anti-Human Fas Ligand-UNLB 0.1mg ¥2,450.00
      12115-02 Mouse Anti-Human Fas Ligand-FITC 0.1mg ¥2,870.00
      1220-02 Bovine Type II Collagen-Lyophilized 0.25 mg ¥2,100.00
      1220-02S Bovine Type II Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1230-01S Human Type III Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      1240-02S Bovine Type III Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      1250-01S Human Type IV Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1250-04S Mouse Type IV Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1260-02 Bovine Type IV Collagen-Lyophilized 0.25 mg ¥3,500.00
      1260-02S Bovine Type IV Collagen-Solution 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1270-01 Human Type V Collagen-Lyophilized 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      1270-01S Human Type V Collagen-Solution 0.25 mg ¥4,060.00
      1280-02S Bovine Type V Collagen-Solution 0.25 mg ¥3,010.00
      1290-01S Human Type VI Collagen-Solution 0.25 mg ¥4,200.00
      1300-02 Bovine Type VI Collagen-Lyophilized 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      1300-02S Bovine Type VI Collagen-Solution 0.25 mg ¥4,200.00
      13100-01 Mycoplasma Detection Kit Kit ¥2,506.00
      1310-01 Goat Anti-Type I Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1310-08 Goat Anti-Type I Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥5,460.00
      1320-01 Goat Anti-Type II Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1320-08 Goat Anti-Type II Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥5,460.00
      1330-01 Goat Anti-Type III Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1330-08 Goat Anti-Type III Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥5,460.00
      1340-01 Goat Anti-Type IV Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥5,530.00
      1340-08 Goat Anti-Type IV Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥7,140.00
      1350-01 Goat Anti-Type V Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥5,530.00
      1350-08 Goat Anti-Type V Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥7,140.00
      1360-01 Goat Anti-Type VI Collagen-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥5,530.00
      1360-08 Goat Anti-Type VI Collagen-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥7,140.00
      14000-01 Rat Anti-Human CMKLR1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1400-01 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      1400-02 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1400-04 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,570.00
      1400-05 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,220.00
      1400-08 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,780.00
      1400-09 Mouse Anti-Phosphotyrosine-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      1405-01 Mouse Anti-Fibrillin-UNLB 0.2 mg ¥3,780.00
      1405-02 Mouse Anti-Fibrillin-FITC 0.2 mg ¥5,110.00
      1405-08 Mouse Anti-Fibrillin-BIOT 0.2 mg ¥5,320.00
      14100-01 Anti-Mouse IL-2 ELISA Set Set ¥4,200.00
      1415-01 Mouse Laminin 1.0 mg ¥1,960.00
      14200-01 Anti-Mouse IL-4  ELISA Set Set ¥4,200.00
      14300-01 Anti-Mouse IL-6 ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      1430-01 Goat Fibronectin 1.0 mg ¥840.00
      14400-01 Anti-Mouse GM-CSF ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      1440-01 Mouse Anti-Human Type I Collagen-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      1441-01 Mouse Anti-Human Type I Collagen-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      1441-02 Mouse Anti-Human Type I Collagen-FITC 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1441-05 Mouse Anti-Human Type I Collagen-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,410.00
      1441-08 Mouse Anti-Human Type I Collagen-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      14500-01 Anti-Mouse IL-17 ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      14600-01 Anti-Mouse IL-10 ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      1460-01 Mouse Anti-Human Type IV Collagen-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      1460-02 Mouse Anti-Human Type IV Collagen-FITC 0.1 mg ¥4,550.00
      1460-08 Mouse Anti-Human Type IV Collagen-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1460-09 Mouse Anti-Human Type IV Collagen-PE 0.1 mg ¥5,670.00
      14700-01 Anti-Mouse IL-3 ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      1470-01 Mouse Anti-Human Fibronectin-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,750.00
      1470-02 Mouse Anti-Human Fibronectin-FITC 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1470-04 Mouse Anti-Human Fribronectin-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,940.00
      1470-05 Mouse Anti-Human Fibronectin-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      1470-08 Mouse Anti-Human Fibronectin-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1471-01 Mouse Anti-Human Fibronectin 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      14800-01 Anti-Mouse IL-5 ELISA Set Set ¥4,900.00
      1500-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      1500-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      1500-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,290.00
      1500-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      1500-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-PE 0.2 mg ¥2,800.00
      1500-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1500-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1500-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD44/Pgp-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      15050-01 Anti-Human IL-3 ELISA Set Set ¥6,860.00
      15051-01 Recombinant Human IL-3 0.025 mg ¥3,500.00
      15100-01 Anti-Human IL-6 ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      1510-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD106/VCAM-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1510-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD106/VCAM-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1510-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD106/VCAM-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1510-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD106/VCAM-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      1510-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD106/VCAM-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      15200-01 Anti-Human IL-10 ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      1520-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1520-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1520-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1520-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1520-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1520-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49d/VLA-4a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1525-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1525-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1525-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-FITC 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      1525-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1525-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1525-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1525-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD2/LFA-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      15300-01 Anti-Human IL-5 ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      1530-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1530-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1530-02S Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,120.00
      1530-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      1530-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-PE 0.2 mg ¥2,450.00
      1530-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1530-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1530-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1530-28 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-BIMA 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1530-31 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-AF647 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1531-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1531-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1531-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1531-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      1531-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1531-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1531-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1531-15 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1531-18 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e-APC/Cy5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1535-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,590.00
      1535-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1535-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,190.00
      1535-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      1535-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      1535-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-PE 0.2 mg ¥2,520.00
      1535-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1535-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1535-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,150.00
      1535-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD3e-CY5 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      15400-01 Anti-Human GM-CSF ELISA Set Set ¥7,350.00
      1540-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1540-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1540-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,050.00
      1540-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1540-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      1540-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-PE 0.2 mg ¥2,100.00
      1540-10 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1540-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1540-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1540-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1540-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1540-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      1540-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1540-18 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1540-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD4/L3T4-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      15450-01 Anti-Human G-CSF ELISA Set Set ¥7,350.00
      1545-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1545-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1545-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,120.00
      1545-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1545-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,100.00
      1545-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,500.00
      1545-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      1545-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1546-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1546-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1546-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      1546-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1546-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      1546-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,640.00
      1546-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      1546-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD5/Ly-1-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      15500-01 Anti-Human IL-7 ELISA Set Set ¥6,860.00
      1550-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1550-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1550-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,050.00
      1550-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1550-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      1550-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-PE 0.2 mg ¥2,660.00
      1550-10 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1550-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1550-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1550-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1550-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1550-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1550-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1550-18 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      1550-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8a/Ly-2-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1555-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1555-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1555-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1555-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      1555-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,640.00
      1555-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1555-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a/LFA-1a-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      15600-01 Anti-Human IFN-gamma ELISA Set Set ¥5,600.00
      1560-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1560-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1560-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,610.00
      1560-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1560-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1560-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,710.00
      1560-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1560-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1560-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1560-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1560-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1560-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1560-30 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-AF488 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1561-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1561-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1561-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,610.00
      1561-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1561-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1561-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,710.00
      1561-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1561-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1561-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1561-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1561-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1561-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b/Mac-1a-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      15620-01 Recombinant Protein Human IFN-Alpha-2a 0.005 mg ¥1,680.00
      15630-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-31-UNLB 0.1mg ¥2,520.00
      15630-08 Mouse Anti-Human IL-31-BIOT 0.1mg ¥3,780.00
      15631-01 Anti-Human IL-31 ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      15640-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-25-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,780.00
      15650-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-25-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,780.00
      15660-01 Recombinant Protein Human IL-25 0.005 mg ¥1,680.00
      15700-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-33-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,780.00
      15700-08 Mouse Anti-Human IL-33-BIOT 0.5mg ¥4,690.00
      1570-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD18-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1570-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD18-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1570-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD18-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1570-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD18-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,030.00
      1570-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD18-LE/AF 0.5 mg  ¥3,920.00
      15710-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-33-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,780.00
      15710-08 Mouse Anti-Human IL-33-BIOT 0.5mg ¥4,690.00
      15711-01 Recombinant Human IL-33 0.010 mg ¥2,800.00
      1575-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1575-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1575-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      1575-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1575-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1575-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1575-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      1575-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1575-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1575-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-CY5 0.1 mg  ¥3,570.00
      1575-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1575-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      1575-30 Rat Anti-Mouse CD19-AF488 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1576-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1576-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1576-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1576-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1576-11 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1576-13 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1576-16 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥3,360.00
      1576-18 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1576-19 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD19-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      15800-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-18-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,150.00
      15800-08 Mouse Anti-Human IL-18-BIOT 0.5mg ¥4,620.00
      1580-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1580-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1580-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1580-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1580-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1580-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1580-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD22-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1585-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1585-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1585-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1585-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1585-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,200.00
      1585-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      1585-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1585-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD23/FCeRII-PE/Cy7 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      15900-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-21-UNLB 0.5mg ¥2,730.00
      1590-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1590-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1590-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1590-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      1590-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1590-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1590-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      15910-01 Mouse Anti-Human IL-21-UNLB 0.5mg ¥2,730.00
      15910-08  Mouse Anti-Human IL-21-BIOT 0.5mg ¥2,940.00
      15920-01 Anti-Human IL-21 ELISA Set Set ¥6,300.00
      15930-01 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-UNLB 0.5mg ¥3,920.00
      15930-08 Rat Anti-Human IL-13-BIOT 0.5mg ¥5,110.00
      1595-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,150.00
      1595-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1595-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      1595-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1595-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1595-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,410.00
      1595-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,780.00
      1595-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,780.00
      1595-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1595-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      1600-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      1600-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      1600-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,360.00
      1600-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1600-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE 0.2 mg ¥4,130.00
      1600-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1600-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1600-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1600-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD25/IL-2Ra-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1610-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1610-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1610-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1610-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1610-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,710.00
      1610-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1610-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-SPRD 0.1mg ¥3,920.00
      1610-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1615-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1615-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1615-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,640.00
      1615-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1615-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,710.00
      1615-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1615-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1615-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD28-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1620-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1620-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1620-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1620-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1620-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1620-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD30-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1625-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1625-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1625-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1625-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1625-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-PE 0.2 mg ¥3,920.00
      1625-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,710.00
      1625-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1625-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD31/PECAM-1-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1630-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1630-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1630-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1630-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      1630-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1630-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,710.00
      1630-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,710.00
      1630-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1630-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1630-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/32-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1635-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1635-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1635-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1635-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1635-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1635-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1635-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-SPRD 0.1mg  ¥4,130.00
      1635-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1640-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1640-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1640-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1640-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1640-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1640-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1640-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1640-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD38-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1645-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1645-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1645-08 Rat anti-Mouse CD40-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1645-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1645-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1645-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,710.00
      1645-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1645-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD40-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1650-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD154/CD40L-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1650-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD154/CD40L-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1650-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD154/CD40L-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1650-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD154/CD40L-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1650-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD154/CD40L-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1660-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1660-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1660-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,120.00
      1660-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1660-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      1660-10 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1660-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1660-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1660-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1660-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1660-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1660-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-APC/Cy7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1660-30 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45/LCA-AF488 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1665-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      1665-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1665-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,050.00
      1665-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1665-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      1665-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-PE 0.2 mg  ¥2,590.00
      1665-10 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1665-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1665-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1665-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1665-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1665-16 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥3,360.00
      1665-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1665-18 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1665-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-APC/CY7 0.1mg ¥2,800.00
      1665-30 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45R/B220-AF488 0.1mg ¥2,730.00
      1675-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1675-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1675-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,190.00
      1675-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1675-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      1675-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RB-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1685-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1685-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1685-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1685-22 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-FLMA 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      1685-22S Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-FLMA 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      1695-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,290.00
      1695-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1695-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      1695-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1695-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1695-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49e-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      17000-01 Rat anti-Human Caspase-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1701-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1701-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1701-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1701-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-PE 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1701-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1701-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD54/ICAM-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1705-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1705-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1705-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1705-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1705-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1705-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1705-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1705-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1705-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1705-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD62L/L-selectin-APC/Cy7 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      17100-01 Rat anti-Human Caspase-2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1715-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1715-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1715-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1715-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1715-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1715-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      1715-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1715-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1715-17 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD69/VEA-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      17200-01 Mouse Anti-Human Caspase-3-UNLB   0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      17200-05 Mouse Anti-Human Caspase-3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      1720-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD71-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,150.00
      1720-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD71-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1720-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD71-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1720-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD71-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      1720-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD71-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1725-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD72.1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1725-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD72.1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      1725-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD72.1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1725-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD72.1-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,750.00
      17300-01 Rat Anti-Human Caspase-8-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1730-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1730-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1730-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1730-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1730-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1730-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1730-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,710.00
      1730-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD80/B7-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1735-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1735-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1735-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1735-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1735-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1735-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1735-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,710.00
      1735-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1735-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-PE/Cy7 0.1 mg ¥3,430.00
      1740-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1740-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1740-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,190.00
      1740-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1740-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      1740-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      1740-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,780.00
      1740-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90/Thy-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1750-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,960.00
      1750-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1750-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,050.00
      1750-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1750-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      1750-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-PE 0.2 mg  ¥2,240.00
      1750-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1750-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,220.00
      1750-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD90.2/Thy-1.2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1755-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1755-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1755-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1755-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1755-09L Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1755-11 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1755-13 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥4,550.00
      1755-14 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1755-16 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      1760-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6C-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,150.00
      1760-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6C-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1760-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6C-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1760-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6C-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      1770-01 Rat Anti-Mouse BP-1/Ly-51-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1770-02 Rat Anti-Mouse BP-1/Ly-51-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1770-08 Rat Anti-Mouse BP-1/Ly-51-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1770-09 Rat Anti-Mouse BP-1/Ly-51-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1770-09L Rat Anti-Mouse BP-1/Ly-51-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,130.00
      1775-01 Rat Anti-Mouse BiP-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1775-08 Rat Anti-Mouse BiP-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1780-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1780-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1780-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1780-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      1780-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-PE 0.2 mg  ¥2,800.00
      1780-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1780-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRgd-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      1785-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      1785-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1785-02S Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      1785-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1785-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      1785-11 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1785-13 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1785-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1785-16 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥3,290.00
      1785-30 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-AF488 0.1 mg  ¥2,660.00
      1785-31 Hamster Anti-Mouse TCRb-AF647 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1790-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1790-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1790-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1790-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1790-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1791-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1791-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD152/CTLA-4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1795-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1795-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1795-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1795-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1795-09L Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,060.00
      1795-11 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,710.00
      1795-13 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1795-15 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1795-16 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,990.00
      1795-17 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,730.00
      1795-18 Mouse Anit-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1795-19 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.1/Ly-5.1-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      18000-01 Recombinant Protein Human Fas Ligand  0.005 mg ¥2,800.00
      1800-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1800-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1800-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1800-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1800-11 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,710.00
      1800-13 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,780.00
      1800-15 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-CY5 0.1 mg  ¥3,290.00
      1800-16 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥4,200.00
      1800-17 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,800.00
      1800-18 Mouse Anti-Mouse CD45.2/Ly-5.2-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥3,080.00
      1801-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse Ly-49C/F/H/I-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1801-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse Ly-49C/F/H/I-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1801-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse Ly-49C/F/H/I-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1801-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse Ly-49C/F/H/I-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,380.00
      1802-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49I-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1802-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49I-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1802-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49I-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1802-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49I-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,450.00
      1803-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49F-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1803-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49F-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1803-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49F-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1803-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49F-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1803-14 Mouse Anti-Mouse Ly-49F-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1804-01 Rat Anti-Mouse NKG2-A/C/E-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1804-02 Rat Anti-Mouse NKG2-A/C/E-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1804-08 Rat Anti-Mouse NKG2-A/C/E-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1804-09 Rat Anti-Mouse NKG2-A/C/E-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      18050-01 Recombinant Mouse TNF-Alpha 0.010 mg ¥1,960.00
      1805-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1805-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1805-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1805-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,380.00
      1805-09L Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,920.00
      1805-11 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,850.00
      1805-14 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1805-17 Mouse Anti-Mouse NK1.1-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1806-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1806-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1806-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1806-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      1806-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,060.00
      1806-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      1806-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      1806-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD49b/VLA-2a-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      1807-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1807-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1807-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1807-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      1807-09L Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,480.00
      1807-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse KLRG1/MAFA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1809-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD94-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1809-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD94-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1809-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD94-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1809-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD94-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,380.00
      18100-01 Recombinant Human TNF-Alpha 0.025 mg ¥3,500.00
      1810-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD103-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1810-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD103-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1810-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD103-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1810-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD103-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1810-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD103-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1815-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1815-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1815-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      1815-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1815-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-PE 0.1 mg ¥1,680.00
      1815-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-PE 0.2 mg  ¥2,800.00
      1815-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HAS-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      1815-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,640.00
      1815-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD24/HSA-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      18200-01L Recombinant Human IL-17A 0.025 mg ¥3,430.00
      18200-01S Recombinant Human IL-17A 0.005 mg ¥2,030.00
      1820-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1820-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      1820-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-FITC 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      1820-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1820-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45RC-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1825-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD81-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1825-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD81-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      1825-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD81-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1825-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD81-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1825-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD81-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      18300-01 Recombinant Human IL-22 0.005 mg ¥2,100.00
      1830-01 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD79b/B29-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1830-02 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD79b/B29-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1830-08 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD79b/B29-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1830-09 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD79b/B29-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1830-14 Hamster Anti-Mouse CD79b/B29-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      18400-01 Recombinant Human GM-CSF 0.005 mg ¥2,100.00
      18500-01 Recombinant Human IL-18 0.005 mg ¥2,800.00
      1855-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD104-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1855-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD104-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      18600-01 Recombinant Human IL-1B 0.025 mg ¥8,260.00
      1860-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD105-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1865-01 Rat Anti-Mouse MAdCAM-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1865-02 Rat Anti-Mouse MAdCAM-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1865-08 Rat Anti-Mouse MAdCAM-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1865-14 Rat Anti-Mouse MAdCAM-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      18700-01 Recombinant Human IL-31 0.005 mg ¥1,610.00
      1870-01 Rat Anti-Mouse LPAM-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      1870-08 Rat Anti-Mouse LPAM-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1870-09 Rat Anti-Mouse LPAM-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1870-09L Rat Anti-Mouse LPAM-1-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,990.00
      1870-14 Rat Anti-Mouse LPAM-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1880-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1880-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1880-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1880-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      1880-09L Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,360.00
      1880-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1880-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1880-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1880-15 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1880-18 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-APC/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      1880-19 Rat Anti-Mouse CD117/c-kit-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      18900-01 Recombinant Human Adiponectin 0.050 mg ¥3,920.00
      1895-01 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1895-02 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1895-08 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1895-09 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1895-09L Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-PE 0.2 mg  ¥4,620.00
      1895-13 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,710.00
      1895-14 Rat Anti-Mouse MHC Class II-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1896-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ab-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1896-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ab-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1896-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ab-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,710.00
      1896-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ab-PE 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      1897-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1897-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1897-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1897-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1897-14 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1898-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      1898-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1898-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1898-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-Ek-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      19000-01 Recombinant Human Interleukin-21 (IL-21) 0.010 mg ¥3,290.00
      1900-01 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      1900-02 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1900-08 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      1900-09 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,310.00
      1900-09L Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-PE 0.2 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1900-11 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,060.00
      1900-13 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1900-14 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-LE/AF 0.5 mg  ¥3,640.00
      1900-15 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,500.00
      1900-16 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg ¥3,990.00
      1900-17 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,870.00
      1900-19 Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G/GR-1-APC/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1901-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse I-AD-UNLB      0.5mg ¥3,290.00
      1905-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1905-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1905-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥3,780.00
      1905-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      1905-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,500.00
      1905-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD122-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1906-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse Qa-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1906-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse Qa-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1906-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse Qa-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,990.00
      1906-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse Qa-2-PE 0.1 mg  ¥2,450.00
      19100-01 Recombinant Mouse GM-CSF 0.005 mg ¥2,730.00
      1910-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1910-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,340.00
      1910-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1910-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,870.00
      1910-14 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      1911-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kd/H-2Dd-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1911-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kd/H-2Dd-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1911-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kd/H-2Dd-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1911-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kd/H-2Dd-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1912-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dd-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1912-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dd-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      1912-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dd-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1912-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dd-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1913-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1913-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1913-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1913-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1913-14 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Db-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      1914-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dk-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      1914-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dk-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      1914-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dk-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      1914-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Dk-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      1915-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      1915-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      1915-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1915-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      1915-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      1915-13 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      1915-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1915-17 Rat Anti-Mouse CD86/B7-2-PE/CY7 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      1916-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1916-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1916-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1916-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1917-01 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      1917-02 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      1917-08 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      1917-09 Mouse Anti-Mouse H-2Kk-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      1920-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107a/LAMP-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1920-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107a/LAMP-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1920-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107a/LAMP-1-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1921-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107b/LAMP-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1921-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107b/LAMP-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1921-11 Rat Anti-Mouse CD107b/LAMP-2-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,130.00
      1925-01 Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,500.00
      1925-02 Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      1925-02S Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-FITC 0.1 mg ¥2,100.00
      1925-08 Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,920.00
      1925-09 Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      1925-14 Rat Anti-Mouse CD102/ICAM-2-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      1930-01 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1930-05 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      1930-08 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1935-01 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG2/IgG3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1935-05 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG2/IgG3-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      1935-08 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG2/IgG3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      1940-01 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      1940-05 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      1940-08 Mouse Anti-Hamster IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      2010-01 Goat Anti-Human Ig-UNLB 2.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2010-02 Goat Anti-Human Ig-FITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      2010-03 Goat Anti-Human Ig-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      2010-04 Goat Anti-Human Ig-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2010-05 Goat Anti-Human Ig-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,190.00
      2010-06 Goat Anti-Human Ig-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      2010-07 Goat Anti-Human Ig-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥840.00
      2010-08 Goat Anti-Human Ig-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      2010-09 Goat Anti-Human Ig-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      2012-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Ig-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥770.00
      2012-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Ig-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,050.00
      2012-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Ig-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      2012-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Ig-PE 0.25 mg ¥1,330.00
      2020-01 Goat Anti-Human IgM-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      2020-02 Goat Anti-Human IgM-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2020-03 Goat Anti-Human IgM-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2020-04 Goat Anti-Human IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,750.00
      2020-05 Goat Anti-Human IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      2020-07 Goat Anti-Human IgM-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      2020-08 Goat Anti-Human IgM-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      2020-09 Goat Anti-Human IgM-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      2022-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      2022-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,120.00
      2022-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      2022-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,540.00
      2022-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      2022-14 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgM-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      2030-01 Goat Anti-Human IgD-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      2030-02 Goat Anti-Human IgD-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,610.00
      2030-03 Goat Anti-Human IgD-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2030-04 Goat Anti-Human IgD-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2030-05 Goat Anti-Human IgD-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      2030-07 Goat Anti-Human IgD-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2030-08 Goat Anti-Human IgD-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2030-09 Goat Anti-Human IgD-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      2032-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgD-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      2032-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgD-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      2032-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgD-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,540.00
      2032-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgD-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      2040-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      2040-02 Goat Anti-Human IgG-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2040-03 Goat Anti-Human IgG-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2040-04 Goat Anti-Human IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      2040-05 Goat Anti-Human IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,120.00
      2040-06 Goat Anti-Human IgG-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      2040-07 Goat Anti-Human IgG-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2040-08 Goat Anti-Human IgG-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      2040-09 Goat Anti-Human IgG-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      2040-14 Goat Anti-Human IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥2,800.00
      2041-01 Goat Fab Anti-Human IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,120.00
      2041-04 Goat Fab Anti-Human IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2041-05 Goat Fab Anti-Human IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      2041-08 Goat Fab Anti-Human IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      2042-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,050.00
      2042-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      2042-04 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2042-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      2042-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      2042-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,430.00
      2042-14 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      2043-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG, Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      2043-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG, Mouse ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2043-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG, Mouse ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2043-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG, Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,200.00
      2044-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2045-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Bovine/Horse/Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,100.00
      2045-04 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Bovine/Horse/Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,800.00
      2046-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fd-UNLB 0.5mg ¥1,680.00
      2046-05 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fd-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,170.00
      2047-01 Goat Anti-Human Ig Fc-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      2047-04 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      2047-05 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      2048-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥700.00
      2048-02 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-FITC 0.5 mg ¥910.00
      2048-04 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      2048-05 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      2048-08 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fc-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥910.00
      2049-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Monkey ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥4,270.00
      2049-02 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Monkey ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      2049-08 Goat Anti-Human IgG, Monkey ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥4,550.00
      2050-01 Goat Anti-Human IgA-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      2050-02 Goat Anti-Human IgA-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      2050-03 Goat Anti-Human IgA-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      2050-04 Goat Anti-Human IgA-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      2050-05 Goat Anti-Human IgA-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      2050-07 Goat Anti-Human IgA-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      2050-08 Goat Anti-Human IgA-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      2050-09 Goat Anti-Human IgA-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      2052-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,120.00
      2052-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      2052-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      2052-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgA-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      2053-01 Goat Anti-Human IgA, Bovine/Horse/Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,240.00
      2060-01 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2060-02 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2060-03 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2060-04 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      2060-05 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2060-06 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      2060-07 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2060-08 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2060-09 Goat Anti-Human Kappa-PE 0.5 mg  ¥4,410.00
      2061-01 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      2061-03 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥3,360.00
      2061-04 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      2061-05 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      2061-07 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      2061-08 Goat Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      2062-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      2062-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2062-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      2062-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2062-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,410.00
      2063-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      2063-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      2063-04 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      2063-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      2063-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Kappa, Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥5,110.00
      2070-01 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2070-02 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2070-03 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2070-04 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      2070-05 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      2070-07 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,540.00
      2070-08 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      2070-09 Goat Anti-Human Lambda-PE 0.5 mg  ¥1,890.00
      2071-01 Goat Anti-Human Lambda, Mse ads.-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥4,410.00
      2071-04 Goat Anti-Human Lambda, Mse ads.-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      2072-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      2072-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2072-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      2072-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      2072-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,410.00
      2073-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda, Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      2073-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda, Mouse ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      2073-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda, Mouse ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      2073-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Human Lambda, Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥5,110.00
      2085-01 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fab-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      2085-04 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fab-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      2085-08 Goat Anti-Human IgG Fab-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,870.00
      3000-01 Goat Fab Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg  ¥1,680.00
      3000-08 Goat Fab Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,890.00
      3010-01 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      3010-02 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      3010-03 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      3010-04 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      3010-05 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      3010-07 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      3010-08 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥3,010.00
      3010-09 Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      3010-09S Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,800.00
      3010-11L Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      3010-11S Goat Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse ads-APC 0.25 mg  ¥3,010.00
      3020-01 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      3020-02 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      3020-03 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      3020-04 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      3020-05 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      3020-07 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-TXRD 1.0 mg  ¥910.00
      3020-08 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,680.00
      3020-09 Goat Anti-Rat IgM-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      3030-01 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      3030-02 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      3030-03 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      3030-04 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      3030-05 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      3030-06 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      3030-08 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,680.00
      3030-09 Goat Anti-Rat IgG-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      3032-01 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Rat IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,540.00
      3050-01 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      3050-02 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,590.00
      3050-03 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      3050-04 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      3050-05 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-HRP  1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      3050-06 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      3050-07 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-TXRD  1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      3050-08 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      3050-09 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      3050-09S Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,800.00
      3051-01 Goat Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,540.00
      3052-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,540.00
      3052-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,890.00
      3052-07 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-TXRD 0.5 mg  ¥1,750.00
      3052-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      3052-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,570.00
      3052-10 Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE/TXRD 0.25 mg ¥3,780.00
      3052-13 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-SPRD 0.25 mg  ¥3,780.00
      3052-14 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      3052-16 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE/CY5.5 0.25 mg  ¥4,480.00
      3060-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3060-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3060-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3060-08 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3060-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3060-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3061-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3061-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3061-04 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3061-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3061-08 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3061-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3061-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG1-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3065-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3065-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3065-04 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3065-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3065-08 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3065-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3065-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3070-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3070-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3070-04 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3070-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3070-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3070-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3070-28 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2b-BIMA 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3075-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3075-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3075-04 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3075-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3075-08 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3075-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3075-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgG2c-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3080-01 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      3080-02 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      3080-05 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3080-08 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      3080-09 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      3080-15 Mouse Anti-Rat IgM-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,200.00
      3082-01 Mouse F(ab')2 Anti-Rat IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,640.00
      3082-14 Mouse F(ab')2 Anti-Rat IgM-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      3090-01 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      3090-02 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      3090-04 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥4,550.00
      3090-05 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,060.00
      3090-08 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,060.00
      3090-09 Mouse Anti-Rat Kappa-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,570.00
      4010-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥770.00
      4010-02 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4010-03 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4010-04 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      4010-05 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      4010-06 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,190.00
      4010-07 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4010-08 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      4010-09 Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      4010-09S Goat Anti-Rabbit Ig, Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,800.00
      4020-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      4020-02 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      4020-03 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      4020-04 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      4020-05 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,120.00
      4020-08 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      4020-09 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      4030-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      4030-02 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      4030-03 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      4030-04 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      4030-05 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,120.00
      4030-08 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      4030-09 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      4040-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Fab-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥910.00
      4041-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Fc-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥910.00
      4041-02 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Fc-FITC 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      4041-05 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Fc-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,050.00
      4041-08 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Fc-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      4050-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥770.00
      4050-02 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4050-03 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4050-04 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      4050-05 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,260.00
      4050-07 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      4050-08 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      4050-09 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥4,480.00
      4050-09S Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-PE 0.25 mg  ¥2,800.00
      4050-11L Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-APC 0.5 mg  ¥5,250.00
      4050-11S Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-APC 0.25 mg ¥3,290.00
      4050-13 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-SPRD 0.25 mg ¥3,010.00
      4051-01 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥630.00
      4052-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥700.00
      4052-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      4052-04 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      4052-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,030.00
      4052-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      4052-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Human ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,290.00
      4054-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat/Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥840.00
      4054-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat/Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,120.00
      4054-05 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat/Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,170.00
      4054-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat/Human ads-BIOT 0.5mg ¥1,330.00
      4060-01 Mouse Anti-Rabbit Light Chain-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      4060-04 Mouse Anti-Rabbit Light Chain-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,990.00
      4060-05 Mouse Anti-Rabbit Light Chain-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,850.00
      4065-01 Rat Anti-Rabbit Ig-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      4065-05 Rat Anti-Rabbit Ig-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      4065-08 Rat Anti-Rabbit Ig-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      4065-09 Rat Anti-Rabbit Ig-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4065-13 Rat Anti-Rabbit Ig-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      4070-01 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DR-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      4070-02 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DR-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      4070-08 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DR-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      4070-09 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DR-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      4080-01 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DQ-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,570.00
      4080-02 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DQ-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,620.00
      4080-08 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DQ-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      4080-09 Mouse Anti-Rabbit RLA-DQ-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,520.00
      4090-01 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      4090-02 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      4090-04 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      4090-05 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      4090-08 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,310.00
      4090-09 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4090-13 Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      4500-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      4500-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,250.00
      4500-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      4500-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4510-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      4510-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      4510-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      4510-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4510-13 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      4511-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      4511-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      4511-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      4511-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD3e-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4515-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD4a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      4515-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD4a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      4515-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD4a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      4515-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD4a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4515-13 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD4a-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      4520-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD8a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      4520-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD8a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,250.00
      4520-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD8a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      4520-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD8a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4520-13 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD8a-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,150.00
      4525-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine Monocyte/Granulocyte-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      4525-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine Monocyte/Granulocyte-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,250.00
      4525-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine Monocyte/Granulocyte-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      4525-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine Monocyte/Granulocyte-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4530-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD21-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      4530-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD21-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,250.00
      4530-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD21-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      4530-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine CD21-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4550-01 Mouse Anti-Porcine B Cell Subset-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,690.00
      4550-02 Mouse Anti-Porcine B Cell Subset-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,250.00
      4550-08 Mouse Anti-Porcine B Cell Subset-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥5,110.00
      4550-09 Mouse Anti-Porcine B Cell Subset-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      4600-01 Mouse Anti-S-tag-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥5,320.00
      4600-02 Mouse Anti-S-tag-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,810.00
      4600-05 Mouse Anti-S-tag-HRP 1.0 mL ¥6,440.00
      4600-08 Mouse Anti-S-tag-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥6,160.00
      4600-09 Mouse Anti-S-tag-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      4601-01 Mouse Anti-S-tag-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥5,320.00
      4601-02 Mouse Anti-S-tag-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,810.00
      4601-05 Mouse Anti-S-tag-HRP 1.0 mL ¥6,440.00
      4601-08 Mouse Anti-S-tag-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥6,160.00
      4601-09 Mouse Anti-S-tag-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      4602-01 Mouse Anti-S-tag-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥5,320.00
      4602-02 Mouse Anti-S-tag-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,810.00
      4602-05 Mouse Anti-S-tag-HRP 1.0 mL ¥6,440.00
      4602-09 Mouse Anti-S-tag-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,850.00
      4700-01 Mouse Anti-Monkey IgG-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      4700-04 Mouse Anti-Monkey IgG-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,940.00
      4700-05 Mouse Anti-Monkey IgG-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,800.00
      4700-08 Mouse Anti-Monkey IgG-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,780.00
      4700-09 Mouse Anti-Monkey IgG-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      5200-01 Fc Receptor Saturation Reagent 50 tests ¥700.00
      5300-01 Mouse Immunoglobulin Panel 1 kit ¥2,310.00
      5300-01B B6/C57J Mouse Immunoglobulin Panel 1 kit ¥2,730.00
      5300-04 SBA Clonotyping System-AP 1 kit ¥6,230.00
      5300-04B SBA Clonotyping System-B6/C57J-AP 1 kit ¥6,300.00
      5300-05 SBA Clonotyping System-HRP 1 kit ¥5,810.00
      5300-05B SBA Clonotyping System-B6/C57J-HRP 1 kit ¥5,880.00
      6000-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥770.00
      6000-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      6000-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,030.00
      6000-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      6005-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      6005-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,470.00
      6005-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      6005-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      6010-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      6010-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      6010-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,750.00
      6010-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6016-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      6016-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,400.00
      6016-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      6016-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6020-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥980.00
      6020-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      6020-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,750.00
      6020-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6022-01 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG Fab-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,680.00
      6022-08 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG Fab-BIOT 0.5mg ¥2,520.00
      6026-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-UNLB 0.50 mg ¥1,190.00
      6026-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-FITC 0.50 mg ¥1,400.00
      6026-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,960.00
      6026-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6030-01 Goat Anti-Bovine IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6030-02 Goat Anti-Bovine IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6030-04 Goat Anti-Bovine IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6030-05 Goat Anti-Bovine IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6040-01 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6040-02 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6040-04 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6040-05 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6040-08 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg  ¥1,050.00
      6040-09 Goat Anti-Equine IgG(H+L)-PE 0.5 mg  ¥1,750.00
      6050-01 Goat Anti-Porcine IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6050-02 Goat Anti-Porcine IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6050-04 Goat Anti-Porcine IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6050-05 Goat Anti-Porcine IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6050-08 Goat Anti-Porcine IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg  ¥1,050.00
      6060-01 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      6060-02 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,260.00
      6060-04 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      6060-05 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6060-08 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg  ¥1,260.00
      6061-01 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,680.00
      6061-02 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,100.00
      6061-04 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,520.00
      6061-05 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6061-08 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,960.00
      6061-09 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-PE 0.5 mg  ¥4,550.00
      6061-11 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-APC 0.5 mg ¥6,090.00
      6061-17 Goat Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-PE/CY7 0.25 mg  ¥5,250.00
      6062-01 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      6062-02 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,240.00
      6062-08 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-BIOT 0.5 mg  ¥2,100.00
      6062-09 Goat F(ab’)2 Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥4,690.00
      6070-01 Goat Anti-Canine IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6070-02 Goat Anti-Canine IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6070-04 Goat Anti-Canine IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6070-05 Goat Anti-Canine IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6070-08 Goat Anti-Canine IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg  ¥1,050.00
      6080-01 Goat Anti-Feline IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6080-02 Goat Anti-Feline IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6080-04 Goat Anti-Feline IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6080-05 Goat Anti-Feline IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6090-01 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6090-02 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6090-04 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6090-05 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6090-08 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      6100-01 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6100-02 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6100-04 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6100-05 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6100-08 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      6100-09 Goat Anti-Chicken IgG(H+L)-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      6110-01 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6110-02 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6110-04 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6110-05 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6110-08 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      6110-09 Goat Anti-Turkey IgG(H+L)-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      6120-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥700.00
      6120-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      6120-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      6120-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6125-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      6125-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      6125-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      6125-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      6130-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥700.00
      6130-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,260.00
      6130-03 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-TRITC 0.5 mg  ¥1,260.00
      6130-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      6130-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6135-01 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      6135-02 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      6135-04 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      6135-05 Rabbit F(ab’)2 Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      6140-01 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥630.00
      6140-02 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥840.00
      6140-04 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      6140-05 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,050.00
      6140-08 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6140-09 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L)-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      6145-01 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6145-02 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      6145-04 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,750.00
      6145-05 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6145-08 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      6150-01 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6150-02 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6150-03 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-TRITC 1.0 mg  ¥700.00
      6150-04 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6150-05 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6150-08 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6156-01 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      6156-02 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6156-04 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6156-05 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6156-08 Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      6157-01 Mouse Anti-Goat IgG Fc-UNLB 0.5mg ¥1,820.00
      6157-05 Mouse Anti-Goat IgG Fc-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,290.00
      6157-09 Mouse Anti-Goat IgG Fc-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      6158-01 Mouse Anti-Goat IgG Fc-UNLB 0.5mg ¥2,450.00
      6158-05 Mouse Anti-Goat IgG Fc-HRP 1.0 mL ¥4,200.00
      6160-01 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6160-02 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6160-03 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-TRITC 1.0 mg  ¥700.00
      6160-04 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6160-05 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6160-08 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6164-01 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      6164-02 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6164-04 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6164-05 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6164-08 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      6170-01 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6170-02 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6170-04 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6170-05 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6170-08 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6175-01 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      6175-02 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6175-04 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP  1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6175-05 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6175-08 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human ads-BIOT  1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      6180-01 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6180-02 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6180-04 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6180-05 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6180-08 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6185-01 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥910.00
      6185-02 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6185-04 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,680.00
      6185-05 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6185-08 Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Human ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,400.00
      6200-01 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥560.00
      6200-02 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-FITC 1.0 mg ¥700.00
      6200-03 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-TRITC 1.0 mg  ¥700.00
      6200-04 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6200-05 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥980.00
      6200-08 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥980.00
      6200-09 Goat Anti-Rhesus IgG(H+L)-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,430.00
      6211-01 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-UNLB 0.50 mg ¥1,190.00
      6211-09 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse ads-PE 0.25 mg ¥3,010.00
      6215-01 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mse SP ads-UNLB 0.50 mg ¥1,260.00
      6215-02 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse ads-FITC 0.50 mg ¥1,750.00
      6215-05 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,820.00
      6215-08 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse ads-BIOT 0.50 mg ¥1,750.00
      6215-09 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse ads-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      6215-14 Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse ads-LE/AF 0.50 mg ¥3,500.00
      6300-01 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      6300-02 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6300-04 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      6300-05 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6300-08 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6300-09 Swine Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      6310-01 Swine Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse/Goat SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,120.00
      6400-01 Sheep Anti-FITC-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      6400-04 Sheep Anti-FITC-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,400.00
      6400-05 Sheep Anti-FITC-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      6400-08 Sheep Anti-FITC-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥2,100.00
      6400-09 Sheep Anti-FITC-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,940.00
      6404-01 Mouse Anti-BIOT-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      6404-05 Mouse Anti-BIOT-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      6410-01 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,050.00
      6410-02 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6410-04 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      6410-05 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,470.00
      6410-08 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      6410-09 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Human SP ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥1,330.00
      6420-01 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      6420-02 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      6420-04 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6420-05 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      6420-08 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6420-09 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Rat/Mouse SP ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      6430-01 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      6430-02 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      6430-04 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6430-05 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      6430-08 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6430-09 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), Mouse SP ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      6440-01 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥1,190.00
      6440-02 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      6440-04 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      6440-05 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      6440-08 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-BIOT 1.0 mg ¥1,330.00
      6440-09 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), Human/Rat/Mouse SP ads-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,850.00
      6500-01 Goat Anti-S-tag-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,550.00
      6500-02 Goat Anti-S-tag-FITC 0.5 mg ¥5,880.00
      6500-09 Goat Anti-S-tag-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      6500-25 Goat Anti-S-tag-SEPH 1.0 mL ¥6,720.00
      6600-01 Rabbit Anti-Human DR5-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,290.00
      7100-01 Streptavidin-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      7100-01S Streptavidin-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥420.00
      7100-02 Streptavidin-FITC 1.0 mg ¥1,610.00
      7100-02S Streptavidin-FITC 0.5 mg ¥1,190.00
      7100-03 Streptavidin-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,470.00
      7100-04 Streptavidin-AP 1.0 mL ¥1,610.00
      7100-05 Streptavidin-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      7100-06 Streptavidin-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      7100-07 Streptavidin-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      7100-09L Streptavidin-PE 1.0 mg ¥4,200.00
      7100-09M Streptavidin-PE 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      7100-09S Streptavidin-PE 0.1 mg ¥700.00
      7100-10 Streptavidin-PE/TXRD 0.1 mg ¥3,360.00
      7100-11L Streptavidin-APC 1.0 mg ¥5,530.00
      7100-11M Streptavidin-APC 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      7100-11S Streptavidin-APC 0.1 mg  ¥1,470.00
      7100-12 Streptavidin-CY3 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      7100-13L Streptavidin-SPRD 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      7100-13S Streptavidin-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥1,750.00
      7100-15 Streptavidin-CY5 1.0 mg ¥2,450.00
      7100-16L Streptavidin-PE/CY5.5 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      7100-16S Streptavidin-PE/CY5.5 0.1 mg  ¥2,590.00
      7100-17L Streptavidin-PE/CY7 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      7100-17S Streptavidin-PE/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,590.00
      7100-19L Streptavidin-APC/CY7 0.5 mg ¥5,950.00
      7100-19S Streptavidin-APC/CY7 0.1 mg  ¥2,590.00
      7100-21 Streptavidin-CY2 1.0 mg ¥2,450.00
      7100-24 Streptavidin-CY3.5 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      7200-01 Neutralite Avidin-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥3,080.00
      7200-02 Neutralite Avidin-FITC 1.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      7200-03 Neutralite Avidin-TRITC 1.0 mg ¥1,890.00
      7200-04 Neutralite Avidin-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      7200-05 Neutralite Avidin-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,540.00
      7200-06 Neutralite Avidin-BGAL 1.0 mL ¥1,890.00
      7200-07 Neutralite Avidin-TXRD 1.0 mg ¥2,730.00
      7200-09 Neutralite Avidin-PE 0.5 mg ¥3,710.00
      7200-11 Neutralite Avidin-APC 0.1 mg ¥1,610.00
      7200-12 Neutralite Avidin-CY3 0.1 mg ¥1,610.00
      7200-13 Neutralite Avidin-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥1,960.00
      7200-15 Neutralite Avidin-CY5 1.0 mg  ¥3,010.00
      7200-21 Neutralite Avidin-CY2 1.0 mg ¥2,590.00
      7305-01L Protein A-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      7305-01S Protein A-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥630.00
      7305-05 Protein A-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      7406-01L Protein G-UNLB 5.0 mg ¥2,310.00
      7406-01S Protein G-UNLB 1.0 mg ¥630.00
      7406-05 Protein G-HRP 1.0 mL ¥1,330.00
      8100-01 Mouse Anti-Feline CD5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8100-02 Mouse Anti-Feline CD5-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8100-08 Mouse Anti-Feline CD5-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8100-09 Mouse Anti-Feline CD5-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8120-01 Mouse Anti-Feline CD8-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8120-02 Mouse Anti-Feline CD8-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8120-08 Mouse Anti-Feline CD8-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8120-09 Mouse Anti-Feline CD8-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8130-01 Mouse Anti-Feline CD4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8130-02 Mouse Anti-Feline CD4-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8130-08 Mouse Anti-Feline CD4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8130-09 Mouse Anti-Feline CD4-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8200-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD3-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8200-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD3-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8200-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD3-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8200-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD3-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8200-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD3-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8210-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8210-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8210-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8210-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8220-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8220-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8220-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8220-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8220-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-PE/CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8220-15 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      8230-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRgd-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8230-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRgd-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8230-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRgd-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8230-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRgd-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8240-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8240-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8240-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8240-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8250-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8250-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb2-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8250-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8250-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb2-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8250-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken TCRab/Vb2-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8255-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8255-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8255-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8255-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD4-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8260-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD28-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8260-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD28-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8260-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD28-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8260-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD28-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8270-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8270-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8270-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8270-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8270-11 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,550.00
      8270-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD45-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8280-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8280-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8b-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8280-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8b-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8280-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8b-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8290-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Ia-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8290-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Ia-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8290-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Ia-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8290-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Ia-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8300-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8300-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8310-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8310-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8310-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8310-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8310-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgM-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8320-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Igg-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8320-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Igg-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8320-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Igg-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8320-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Igg-PE 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      8330-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgA-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8330-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgA-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8330-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgA-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8330-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken IgA-PE 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      8340-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8340-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Lambda-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8340-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Lambda-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8340-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Lambda-PE 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      8345-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class I-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8345-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class I-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8345-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class I-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8345-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class I-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8350-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class II-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8350-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class II-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8350-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken MHC Class II-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8355-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken b2-microglobulin-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8355-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken b2-microglobulin-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8355-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken b2-microglobulin-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8355-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken b2-microglobulin-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8360-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD5-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8360-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD5-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8360-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD5-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8360-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD5-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8365-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8365-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8365-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8365-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8370-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8370-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1b-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8370-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1b-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8370-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1b-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8380-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken c-Kit-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8380-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken c-Kit-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8380-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken c-Kit-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8380-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken c-Kit-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8385-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken MCAM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8385-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken MCAM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8385-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken MCAM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8385-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken MCAM-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8390-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8390-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8390-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8390-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8395-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8395-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8395-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8395-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Bu-1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8400-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8400-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8400-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8400-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8400-11 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-APC 0.1 mg ¥4,550.00
      8400-13 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD44-SPRD 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      8405-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8405-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8405-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8405-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8405-15 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD8a-CY5 0.1 mg ¥4,270.00
      8410-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken ChT1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8410-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken ChT1-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8410-08 Mouse Anti-Chicken ChT1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥4,270.00
      8410-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken ChT1-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8420-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken Monocyte/Macrophage-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥3,360.00
      8420-02 Mouse Anti-Chicken Monocyte/Macrophage-FITC 0.5 mg ¥4,760.00
      8420-09 Mouse Anti-Chicken Monocyte/Macrophage-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      8430-01 Mouse Anti-Chicken CD1.1 0.1mg ¥3,360.00
      9020-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9020-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥2,730.00
      9020-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9020-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9020-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9020-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-PE 0.1 mg  ¥2,660.00
      9020-11 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      9022-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9022-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      9022-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9022-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9022-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9022-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,660.00
      9022-11 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      9022-13 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,290.00
      9022-14 Mouse Anti-Human IgM-LE/AF 0.1 mg  ¥2,310.00
      9023-01 Mouse F(ab')2 Anti-Human IgM-UNLB 0.25 mg ¥2,310.00
      9030-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9030-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥2,660.00
      9030-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      9030-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      9030-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9030-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgD-PE 0.1 mg  ¥3,010.00
      9040-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9040-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,380.00
      9040-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,240.00
      9040-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      9040-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9042-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9042-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-FITC 0.5mg ¥2,730.00
      9042-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,380.00
      9042-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,240.00
      9042-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,520.00
      9042-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg  ¥2,940.00
      9042-11 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-APC 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      9042-13 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-SPRD 0.1 mg  ¥3,290.00
      9042-14 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-LE/AF 0.5 mg  ¥3,010.00
      9042-15 Mouse Anti-Human IgG (Fc)-CY5 0.1 mg ¥3,640.00
      9052-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9052-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      9052-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      9052-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,450.00
      9052-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9052-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (hinge)-PE 0.1 mg  ¥2,940.00
      9054-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG1 (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9060-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9060-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9060-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9060-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9060-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      9070-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9070-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9070-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      9070-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9070-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      9080-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9080-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥2,730.00
      9080-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      9080-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      9080-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9080-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG2 (Fd)-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      9130-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9130-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥2,730.00
      9130-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9130-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9130-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      9130-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgA1-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9140-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥2,100.00
      9140-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥2,730.00
      9140-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9140-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9140-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      9140-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgA2-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9160-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9160-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9160-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      9160-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,730.00
      9180-01 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9180-02 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      9180-04 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9180-05 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,380.00
      9180-08 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      9180-09 Mouse Anti-Human Lambda-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9190-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9190-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,220.00
      9190-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,590.00
      9190-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      9190-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,660.00
      9190-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (pFc')-BIOT 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      9200-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9200-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-FITC 0.5 mg  ¥3,220.00
      9200-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,870.00
      9200-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,660.00
      9200-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9200-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc)-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,800.00
      9210-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9210-02 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-FITC 0.5 mg ¥2,870.00
      9210-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,310.00
      9210-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      9210-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9210-09 Mouse Anti-Human IgG3 (hinge)-PE 0.1 mg ¥3,010.00
      9230-01 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,820.00
      9230-02 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-FITC 0.5 mg ¥3,080.00
      9230-04 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-AP 1.0 mL ¥2,380.00
      9230-05 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,100.00
      9230-08 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥2,450.00
      9230-09 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-PE 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9230-11 Mouse Anti-Human Kappa-APC 0.1 mg  ¥3,080.00
      9240-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,890.00
      9250-01 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-UNLB 0.5 mg ¥1,750.00
      9250-04 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-AP 1.0 mL ¥3,010.00
      9250-05 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-HRP 1.0 mL ¥2,730.00
      9250-08 Mouse Anti-Human IgE (Fc)-BIOT 0.5 mg ¥3,010.00
      9310-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD9-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,240.00
      9310-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD9-FITC 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9310-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD9-PE 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9310-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD9-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥5,530.00
      9320-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9320-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9320-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9320-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9320-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-APC 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9320-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9320-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD11a/LFA-1a-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,200.00
      9340-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9340-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9340-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9340-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9340-10 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-PE/TXRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9340-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-APC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9340-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9340-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-LE/AF 0.5mg ¥4,900.00
      9340-15 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-CY5 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9340-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9340-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9340-18 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9340-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD19-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9342-01 Mouse F(ab’)2 Anti-Human CD19-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9342-02 Mouse F(ab’)2 Anti-Human CD19-FITC 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9342-09 Mouse F(ab’)2 Anti-Human CD19-PE 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9350-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9350-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9350-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9350-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-PE 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9350-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-APC 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9350-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9350-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9350-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD20-APC/Cy7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9352-01 Mouse F(ab’)2 Anti-Human CD20-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,940.00
      9352-02 Mouse F(ab’)2 Anti-Human CD20-FITC 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9352-09 Mouse F(ab')2 Anti-Human CD20-PE 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9361-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD22-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9361-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD22-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9361-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD22-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9361-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD22-APC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9361-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD22-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9400-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9400-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9400-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-BIOT 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9400-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9400-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-APC 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9400-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9400-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD44-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9411-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RO-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9411-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RO-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9411-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RO-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9411-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RO-APC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9411-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RO-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9426-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD49b-UNLB 0.1mg ¥1,680.00
      9426-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD49b-FITC 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9426-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD49b-PE 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9431-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD49d/VLA-4-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9431-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD49d/VLA-4-FITC 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9431-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD49d/VLA-4-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9441-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD54/ICAM-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9456-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9456-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9456-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9456-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9456-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9456-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD56/LFA-3-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9470-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD61-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      9470-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD61-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9470-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD61-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9500-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      9500-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-FITC 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9500-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9500-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9500-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-APC 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9500-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD62E/E-selectin-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9506-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD62L/L-selectin-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9506-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD62L/L-selectin-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9506-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD62L/L-selectin-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9506-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD62L/L-selectin-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9510-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD106/VCAM-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      9510-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD106/VCAM-1-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9510-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD106/VCAM-1-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9510-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD106/VCAM-1-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9515-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9515-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9515-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9515-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-PE 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9515-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-APC 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9515-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9515-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      9515-15 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-CY5 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9515-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9515-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9515-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-APC/Cy7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9515-30 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-AF488 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9515-31 Mouse Anti-Human CD3-AF647 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9522-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9522-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9522-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9522-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9522-10 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-PE/TXRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9522-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-APC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9522-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9522-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      9522-15 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-CY5 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9522-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9522-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9522-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9522-31 Mouse Anti-Human CD4-AF647 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9526-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9526-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9526-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9526-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9526-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-APC 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9526-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD5-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9535-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9535-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9535-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-PE 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9535-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9536-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9536-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9536-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9536-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9536-10 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-PE/TXRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9536-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-APC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9536-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9536-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      9536-15 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-CY5 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9536-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9536-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9536-18 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9536-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9536-30 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-AF488 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9536-31 Mouse Anti-Human CD8-AF647 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9541-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD10/CALLA-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      9541-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD10/CALLA-FITC 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9541-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD10/CALLA-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9546-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD11b/Mac-1a-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9546-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD11b/Mac-1a-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9546-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD11b/Mac-1a-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9546-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD11b/Mac-1a-APC 100 tests ¥3,990.00
      9546-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD11b/Mac-1a-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9551-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD11c-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9551-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD11c-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9551-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD11c-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9551-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD11c-PE 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9556-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD13-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9556-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD13-FITC 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9556-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD13-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9560-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9560-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-FITC 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9560-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9560-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9560-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9561-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9561-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9561-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9561-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9561-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-APC 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9561-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9561-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-LE/AF 0.5 mg  ¥4,760.00
      9561-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9561-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥4,130.00
      9561-18 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-APC/CY5.5 100 tests ¥4,130.00
      9561-19 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-APC/CY7 100 tests ¥4,270.00
      9561-30 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-AF488 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9561-31 Mouse Anti-Human CD14-AF647 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9565-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD15-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9565-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD15-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9565-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD15-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9570-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD16-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      9570-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD16-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9570-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD16-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9570-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD16-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9570-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD16-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9580-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD23/FCeRII-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      9580-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD23/FCeRII-FITC 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      9580-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD23/FCeRII-PE 100 tests ¥3,360.00
      9590-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9590-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9590-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-PE 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9590-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-APC 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9590-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9590-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      9590-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD33-PE/Cy5.5 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9597-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,400.00
      9597-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-FITC 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      9597-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      9597-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-PE 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9597-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-APC 100 tests ¥3,360.00
      9597-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD34-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,430.00
      9600-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD35-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9600-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD35-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9600-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD35-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9605-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD36-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9605-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD36-FITC 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      9612-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9612-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9612-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9612-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9612-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-APC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9612-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD38-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9615-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9615-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9615-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-BIOT 100 tests ¥1,750.00
      9615-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9615-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-APC 100 tests ¥4,130.00
      9615-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-SPRD 100 tests ¥4,130.00
      9615-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD42b-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,130.00
      9620-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9620-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-FITC 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9620-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,240.00
      9620-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-PE 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9620-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-APC 100 tests ¥2,940.00
      9620-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD43-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9624-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9625-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9625-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9625-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9625-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-PE 100 tests ¥2,940.00
      9625-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-APC 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      9625-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,570.00
      9625-15 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-CY5 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      9625-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,570.00
      9625-17 Mouse Anti-Human CD45/LCA-PE/CY7 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9630-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RA-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9630-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RA-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9630-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RA-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9630-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RA-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9636-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RB-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,750.00
      9636-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RB-FITC 100 tests ¥2,450.00
      9636-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RB-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9636-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD45RB-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9645-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD49e-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      9645-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD49e-FITC 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9645-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD49e-PE 100 tests ¥4,340.00
      9650-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD49f-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,920.00
      9650-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD49f-FITC 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9650-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD49f-PE 100 tests ¥4,340.00
      9656-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD51-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,260.00
      9656-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD51-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9656-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD51-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9659-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD51/61-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      9659-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD51/61-FITC 100 tests ¥2,660.00
      9661-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD55-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9661-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD55-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9661-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD55-PE 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9661-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD55-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,570.00
      9661-28 Mouse Anti-Human CD55-BIMA 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9665-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD57-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9665-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD57-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9665-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD57-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9665-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD57-PE 100 tests ¥3,010.00
      9665-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD57-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9670-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9670-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-FITC 100 tests ¥2,100.00
      9670-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9670-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-PE 100 tests ¥2,940.00
      9670-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-APC 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      9670-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,570.00
      9670-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD71-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,410.00
      9710-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,540.00
      9710-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9710-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9710-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-PE 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9710-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-APC 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9710-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD79b/B29-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,290.00
      9730-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      9730-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-FITC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9730-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9730-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-PE 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9730-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-APC 100 tests ¥4,200.00
      9730-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      9735-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      9735-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-FITC 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9735-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9735-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-PE 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9735-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-APC 100 tests ¥4,200.00
      9735-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      9735-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD95/Fas-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥4,900.00
      9761-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD40-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,100.00
      9761-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD40-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9761-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD40-PE 100 tests ¥3,220.00
      9761-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD40-APC 100 tests ¥3,710.00
      9766-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD48-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥4,060.00
      9766-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD48-FITC 100 tests ¥3,570.00
      9766-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD48-PE 100 tests ¥3,850.00
      9775-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD74-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,470.00
      9775-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD74-FITC 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9775-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD74-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,380.00
      9775-14 Mouse Anti-Human CD74-LE/AF 0.5 mg ¥5,530.00
      9781-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD80/B7-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9781-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD80/B7-1-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9781-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD80/B7-1-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9781-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD80/B7-1-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9791-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD86/B7-2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9791-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD86/B7-2-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9791-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD86/B7-2-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9791-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD86/B7-2-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9801-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD103-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9801-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD103-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9801-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD103-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9801-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD103-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9805-01 Rat Anti-Human CD104-UNLB 0.05 mg ¥1,610.00
      9811-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD105-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,730.00
      9811-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD105-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9811-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD105-APC 100 tests ¥3,640.00
      9816-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD117/c-kit-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥2,170.00
      9816-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD117/c-kit-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9816-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD117/c-kit-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9816-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD117/c-kit-APC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9816-16 Mouse Anti-Human CD117/c-kit-PE/CY5.5 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9821-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD154/CD40L-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥3,080.00
      9821-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD154/CD40L-FITC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      9821-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD154/CD40L-PE 100 tests ¥4,550.00
      9824-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD138-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9824-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD138-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9824-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD138-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9835-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD107a/LAMP-1-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9835-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD107a/LAMP-1-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9835-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD107a/LAMP-1-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9835-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD107a/LAMP-1-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9835-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD107a/LAMP-1-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9840-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD107b/LAMP-2-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9840-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD107b/LAMP-2-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9840-08 Mouse Anti-Human CD107b/LAMP-2-BIOT 100 tests ¥2,590.00
      9840-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD107b/LAMP-2-PE 100 tests ¥3,080.00
      9840-13 Mouse Anti-Human CD107b/LAMP-2-SPRD 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9861-01 Mouse Anti-Human Glycophorin A-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9861-09 Mouse Anti-Human Glycophorin A-PE 100 tests ¥3,150.00
      9865-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD26-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,330.00
      9865-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD26-FITC 100 tests ¥2,520.00
      9865-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD26-PE 100 tests ¥2,800.00
      9875-01 Mouse Anti-Human CD64-UNLB 0.1 mg ¥1,890.00
      9875-02 Mouse Anti-Human CD64-FITC 100 tests ¥2,730.00
      9875-09 Mouse Anti-Human CD64-PE 100 tests ¥3,500.00
      9875-11 Mouse Anti-Human CD64-APC 100 tests ¥3,780.00
      SLD01-BX Gelatin Subbed Slides 72 slides/box ¥770.00
      SLD01-CS Gelatin Subbed Slides 10 boxes/case ¥6,440.00


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