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      首頁 > 產品展示 > > millipore產品價格表【第7001條-第8000條】 > millipore產品價格表【第7001條-第8000條】




       21-116SRC CDNA (KIN INACT)IN PUSEAMP 5UGContent & Reagents 8,178.00 

      2111BO-RINGSeparation & Preparation 59.00 

      21-147PUSE  AMP (+)   5UGContent & Reagents 3,732.00 

      21-148PUSE AMP (-)  5.4KB             5UGContent & Reagents 3,732.00 

      21-151AKT1 CDNA ACT. IN PUSEAMP      5UGContent & Reagents 7,359.00 

      21-169FOPFLASH   MUTANT TCF BINDING SITEContent & Reagents 5,253.00 

      21-170TOPFLASH (TCF REPORTER PLASMID)Content & Reagents 4,785.00 

      21-193RAC1 CDNA (ACT) IN PUSEAMP      5UGContent & Reagents 7,359.00 

      21-199RAC1CDNA (D.N.) IN PUSEAMP      5UGContent & Reagents 7,359.00 

      21-200RAC1CDNA (W.T.) IN PUSEAMP      5UGContent & Reagents 7,242.00 

      21-204TOPGLOW (TCF REPORTER PLASMID)  5UGContent & Reagents 5,019.00 

      21-205FOPGLOW(MUTANTTCFBINDINGSITES)  5UGContent & Reagents 5,019.00 

      2132SORINGSeparation & Preparation 39.00 

      2140FRKUO: TOTAL PROTEIN EXTRACTION KITSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

      2140RFKUO: TOTAL PROTEIN EXTRACTION KITSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

      2143SO-RINGSeparation & Preparation 39.00 

      2145FRKUO:COMPARTMENT PROTEIN EXTRACTIONSeparation & Preparation 2,019.00 

      2145RFKUO:COMPARTMENT PROTEIN EXTRACTIONSeparation & Preparation 2,019.00 

      23-001UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 1Lead Discovery -   

      23-001UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 1Lead Discovery -   

      23-002UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 2Lead Discovery -   

      23-002UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 2Lead Discovery -   

      23-003UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 3Lead Discovery -   

      23-003UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 3Lead Discovery -   

      23-004UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 4Lead Discovery -   

      23-004UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 4Lead Discovery -   

      23-005UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 5Lead Discovery -   

      23-005UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 5Lead Discovery -   

      23-006UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 6Lead Discovery -   

      23-006UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 6Lead Discovery -   

      23-007UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 7Lead Discovery -   

      23-007UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 7Lead Discovery -   

      23-008UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 8Lead Discovery -   

      23-008UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 8Lead Discovery -   

      23-009UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 9Lead Discovery -   

      23-009UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 9Lead Discovery -   

      23-010UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 10Lead Discovery -   

      23-010UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 10Lead Discovery -   

      23-011UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 11Lead Discovery -   

      23-011UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 11Lead Discovery -   

      23-012UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 12Lead Discovery -   

      23-012UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 12Lead Discovery -   

      23-013UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 13Lead Discovery -   

      23-013UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 13Lead Discovery -   

      23-014UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 14Lead Discovery -   

      23-014UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 14Lead Discovery -   

      23-015UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 15Lead Discovery -   

      23-015UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 15Lead Discovery -   

      23-016UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 16Lead Discovery -   

      23-016UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 16Lead Discovery -   

      23-017UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 17Lead Discovery -   

      23-017UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 17Lead Discovery -   

      23-018UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 18Lead Discovery -   

      23-018UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 18Lead Discovery -   

      23-019UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 19Lead Discovery -   

      23-019UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 19Lead Discovery -   

      23-020UPService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 20Lead Discovery -   

      23-020UPICService Testing Ubiquitin Cascade 20Lead Discovery -   

      23-021UBE1, active   10 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-021-KUBE1, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-021MUBE1, active  250 ugLead Discovery 10,144.00 

      23-022UbcH3, active   10 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-022-KUbcH3, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-022MUbcH3, active   250 ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-023SCFSkp2/Cks1 complex, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-023-KSCFSkp2/Cks1 complex, active   BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-023MSCFSkp2/Cks1 complex, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-024p27 complex, activated  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-024-Kp27 complex, activated  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-024Mp27 complex, activated  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-025UbcH4, active  50 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-025-KUbcH4, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-025MUbcH4, active  250 ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-026SCFbTrCP1 complex, active   10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-026-KSCFbTrCP1 complex, active   BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-026MSCFbTrCP1 complex, active  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-027b-catenin, activated  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-027-Kb-catenin, activated   BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-027Mb-catenin, activated   250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-028IkBa, activated  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-028-KIkBa, activated  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-028MIkBa, activated  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-029UbcH5a, active  50 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-029-KUbcH5a, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-029MUbcH5a, active  250 ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-030SCFFbw7 complex, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-030-KSCFFbw7 complex, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-030MSCFFbw7 complex, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-031Cyclin E1 complex  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-031-KCyclin E1 complex  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-031MCyclin E1 complex  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-032MDM2/CK1d, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-032-KMDM2/CK1d, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-032MMDM2/CK1d, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-033MDM2 (c-Myc tagged), active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-033-KMDM2 (c-Myc tagged), active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-033MMDM2 (c-Myc tagged), active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-034p53  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-034-Kp53  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-034Mp53  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-035UbcH5c, active  10 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-035-KUbcH5c, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-035MUbcH5c, active  250 ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-036UbcH6, active  10 ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-036-KUbcH6, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-036MUbcH6, active  250 ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-037WWP2, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-037-KWWP2, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-037MWWP2, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-038WWP2 (c-Myc tagged), active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-038-KWWP2 (c-Myc tagged), active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-038MWWP2 (c-Myc tagged), active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-040Oct4  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-040-KOct4  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-040MOct4  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-041c-Cbl, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-041-Kc-Cbl, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-041Mc-Cbl, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-042Src  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-042-KSrc  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-042MSrc  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-043Kit  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-043-KKit  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-043MKit  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-044VHL complex, active  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-044-KVHL complex, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-044MVHL complex, active  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-045HIF-1a  10 ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-045-KHIF-1a  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-045MHIF-1a  250 ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-046Parkin (c-Myc tagged), active  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-046-KParkin (c-Myc tagged), active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-046MParkin (c-Myc tagged), active  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-047UbcH7, active  10ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-047-KUbcH7, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-047MUbcH7, active  250ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-048Parkin, active  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-048-KParkin, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-048MParkin, active  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-049p38/JTV-1  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-049-Kp38/JTV-1  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-049Mp38/JTV-1  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-050CHIP, active  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-050-KCHIP, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-050MCHIP, active  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-051UbcH13/Uev1A, active  10ugLead Discovery 1,626.00 

      23-051-KUbcH13/Uev1A, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-051MUbcH13/Uev1A, active  250ugLead Discovery 7,757.00 

      23-052Hsp70  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-052-KHsp70  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-052MHsp70  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-053CHIP (c-Myc tagged), active  10ugLead Discovery 5,207.00 

      23-053-KCHIP (c-Myc tagged), active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-053MCHIP (c-Myc tagged), active  250ugLead Discovery 29,835.00 

      23-054MuRF1, active  10ugLead Discovery 5,101.00 

      23-054-KMuRF1, active  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-054MMuRF1, active  250ugLead Discovery 29,250.00 

      23-055Cardiac Troponin I  10ugLead Discovery 5,101.00 

      23-055-KCardiac Troponin I  BULKLead Discovery 410.00 

      23-055MCardiac Troponin I  250ugLead Discovery 29,250.00 

      2500-0010Tubing, Tygon ( 60 inches )Detection Solutions 42.00 

      2500-0060TUBING, MINSTAC, 0.0620OD, 0.040ID, 16CMSeparation & Preparation 412.00 

      2500-0070TUBING, MINSTAC, 0.0620OD, 0.040ID, 6CMSeparation & Preparation 284.00 

      2500-0080TUBING, MINSTAC, 0.0620OD, 0.040ID, 7CMSeparation & Preparation 441.00 

      2500-0100TUBING, MINSTAC, EC 2L WASTE AND CLEAN.Separation & Preparation 931.00 

      2500-0250TUBING ASSY, BULKHEAD TO CLEAN BOTTLE.Separation & Preparation 245.00 

      2500-0260TUBING ASSY, BULKHEAD TO WASTE BOTTLESeparation & Preparation 245.00 

      2500-0270TUBING ASSY, CAPILLARY TO BULKHEADSeparation & Preparation 294.00 

      2500-0280TUBING ASSY, PUMP TO CLEAN BULKHEADSeparation & Preparation 343.00 

      2500-0290TUBING ASSY, PUMP TO WASTE BULKHEADSeparation & Preparation 343.00 

      2500-0300DRAW TUBE, CLEAN BOTTLESeparation & Preparation 98.00 

      2500-0310Tubing Assembly, EC SL Internal WasteSeparation & Preparation 333.00 

      2500-0320Tubing Assy, EC SL, Internal CleanSeparation & Preparation 333.00 

      25-006P53 ACTIVATING LIGAND        500UGContent & Reagents 2,679.00 

      25-007NF-KB INHIBITORY LIGAND     500UGContent & Reagents 2,972.00 

      2500-SReBlot Plus Western Blot RecyclingDetection Solutions 588.00 

      251-01401-01BPCBA, 485, LOW END STEPPER, 0.75Separation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      251-01401-02APCBA, 485, LOW END STEPPER, 0.33Separation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      251-01401-03APCBA, 485, LOW END STEPPER, 0.18Separation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      251-01408-01BPCBA, BUBBLE SENSORSeparation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      251-02451-02APCBA, SOLENOID DRIVER G2Separation & Preparation 2,401.00 

      251-02453-01APCBA, MOTOR DRIVER, G2Separation & Preparation 2,234.00 

      251-02457-02BPCBA, BRIGHTFIELD LED DRIVER G2Separation & Preparation 6,350.00 

      251-02460-03APCBA, SERVOSSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

      251-02749-01APCBA, POWER INPUT G2Separation & Preparation 6,174.00 

      251-03074-01APCBA, SERIAL DISTRIBUTION, 12WAYSeparation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      251-03371-01PCBA, CAMLINK, DUAL CAMERASeparation & Preparation 37,730.00 

      2513600HAMILLEX 0.2UM NYL 33MM 50/PK NS HACHSeparation & Preparation 1,156.00 

      2513601HAMillex 0.22um PVDF 33MM 50PK NS HACHSeparation & Preparation 1,117.00 

      2513602HAMILLEX 0.45UM PVDF 33MM 50/PK NS HACHSeparation & Preparation 1,176.00 

      2513700HASYR FLT 33MM 0.2UM PES ST 50/PK HACHSeparation & Preparation 892.00 

      2513800HAAP40 GLASS FIBRE FILTER 47MMSeparation & Preparation 294.00 

      2513900HANYLON 0.45UM 100/PKG 47MM DISCSeparation & Preparation 813.00 

      2ECEnzyme Conjugate (100X)Detection Solutions 468.00 

      2EDEnzyme Conjugate DiluentDetection Solutions 468.00 

      2QCHuman Amyloid β 42 Quality Controls 1,2Detection Solutions 761.00 

      2STMSynthetic Amyloid β 1-42 StandardDetection Solutions 1,580.00 

      2YRWARAdditional Year Warranty for CellASIC ONSeparation & Preparation 20,129.00 

      3000-0580BOOT TO BARRIER CABLE ASSMBLYSeparation & Preparation 490.00 

      300-00800-06FUSE, 3ASeparation & Preparation 39.00 

      3000-0860Fuse, 1.5A, 250V, SLO-BLO (for countDetection Solutions 28.00 

      3000-0870PMT POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLYDetection Solutions 2,425.00 

      3000-0990Fuse, 1.6A, 250V, SLO-BLO (for countDetection Solutions 28.00 

      3000-1010Laser Cable Assembly, 15V (for PCBADetection Solutions 197.00 

      3000-1040Fan Assembly (For PCBA 0400-0040 Rev. D)Detection Solutions 536.00 

      3000-1050LED Mount AssemblyDetection Solutions 874.00 

      300-01494-01MODULE, AC POWER ENTRYSeparation & Preparation 1,205.00 

      3000-1720CABLE ASSY, LIMIT SWITCHDetection Solutions 254.00 

      300-01740-00POWER CORD, COUNTRY SPECIFICSeparation & Preparation 519.00 

      3000-1840CABLE ASSY, Y-SENSOR, PCA-96Detection Solutions 536.00 

      3000-2070FUSE, GLASS, 2A, 250V, 3AG FAST ACTDetection Solutions 14.00 

      300-02121-00CAMERA, SARNOFF, 6 CHANNEL TDISeparation & Preparation 307,671.00 

      300-02535-22MOTOR, STEP, 43F4C-2.33-096Separation & Preparation 2,940.00 

      300-02612-05SERVO, HITEC HS-56HBSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

      300-02612-14SERVO, HITEC HS-56HBSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

      3000-3100Cable Assy, Door Interlock Switch,Detection Solutions 1,325.00 

      3000-3260CABLE ASSY,POWER INPUT MODULESeparation & Preparation 823.00 

      3000-3300Cable, laser controller, 488nm, CoherentDetection Solutions 2,862.00 

      3000-3340Serial CableDetection Solutions 282.00 

      3000-3360Cable Assy, Int-Connect, USB to DSPDetection Solutions 367.00 

      3000-3370USB CABLEDetection Solutions 578.00 

      3000-3610CABLE POWER CONVERSION ON BD CMPTR, MINIDetection Solutions 113.00 

      3000-3690CABLE, POWER INPUT MOD ASSY, MINIDetection Solutions 296.00 

      3000-3720CABLE, ANALOG BOARD POWER SUPPLY, MINIDetection Solutions 113.00 

      3000-3730CABLE, LASER POWER SUPPLY, MINIDetection Solutions 113.00 

      3000-3740CABLE, ANALOG BOARD POWER, MINIDetection Solutions 197.00 

      3000-3750CABLE, LASER CONTROLLER, MINIDetection Solutions 212.00 

      3000-3760CABLE, ANALOG BOARD RELAY CONTROL, MINIDetection Solutions 141.00 

      3000-3770CABLE, LASER RELAY CONTROL, MINIDetection Solutions 141.00 

      3000-3780CABLE, LASER HEAD, MINIDetection Solutions 353.00 

      3000-3790CABLE, LOADER SWITCH, MINIDetection Solutions 155.00 

      3000-3800POWER SWITCH ASSY, EASYCYTE MINIDetection Solutions 719.00 

      3000-3810CABLE, POWER SWITCH ASSY, MINIDetection Solutions 212.00 

      3000-3820LASER SWITCH ASSY, EASYCYTE MINIDetection Solutions 719.00 

      3000-3830CABLE, LASER SWITCH , MINIDetection Solutions 212.00 

      3000-3840ASSY, HAMAMATSU H9305-02 PMTDetection Solutions 18,598.00 

      3000-3890PMT CABLE ASSYDetection Solutions 1,043.00 

      3000-3930Cable,Assembly, 60-pin Flat Motion BoardDetection Solutions 719.00 

      3000-3940CABLE ASSY, PMT, H9305-03, NIR CHANNELDetection Solutions 31,626.00 

      3000-3950Park Position IC For Guava Motion boardDetection Solutions 296.00 

      3000-3970Park Position IC For TERN boardDetection Solutions 296.00 

      3000-4200CABLE ASSY, PHOTODIODE W/SUPPORTSeparation & Preparation 1,068.00 

      3000-4220CABLE ASSY, XYZ HOME SENSORSeparation & Preparation 2,891.00 

      3000-4230KIT, REPLACEMENT, TERN BD W/MOTION BDDetection Solutions 9,983.00 

      3000-4290Cable Assembly, Pump ControlSeparation & Preparation 1,862.00 

      3000-4360PROGRAMMED, MEMORY Flash, MOTION CODetection Solutions 240.00 

      3000-4404CABLE, SENSOR AND SOLENOID EXTENSIONSeparation & Preparation 686.00 

      3000-4409CABLE, SPEAKER WITH HOUSINGSeparation & Preparation 245.00 

      3000-4411CABLE, LOADER ARM SOLENOIDSeparation & Preparation 686.00 

      30-014384 well KinEASE(TM) Plates     2EALead Discovery 702.00 

      30-045Kinase Substrate SetsContent & Reagents 46,788.00 

      30-046Proline-Directed Kinase Substrate SetsContent & Reagents 19,527.00 

      30-047Tyrosine-Kinase Substrate SetContent & Reagents 14,847.00 

      30-048Kinase PepRay - Annotated Phosphosites-KContent & Reagents 23,505.00 

      30-049Kinase PepRay - Random Library Tyr-KContent & Reagents 30,525.00 

      30-050Kinase PepRay - Random Library Thr-KContent & Reagents 30,525.00 

      30-051Kinase PepRay - Random Library  Serine-KContent & Reagents 30,525.00 

      30-052Phosphatase Substrate SetContent & Reagents 25,377.00 

      30-053Tyrosine Phosphatase Substrate SetContent & Reagents 25,377.00 

      30-054Phosphatase PepRay - Phosphosites TyrContent & Reagents 46,905.00 

      30-055Protease Substrate SetContent & Reagents 30,525.00 

      30-056Caspase Substrate SetContent & Reagents 15,666.00 

      30-058Protease PepRay - Random LibraryContent & Reagents 46,905.00 

      305CMSterile Plastic Nylon Flexible Minitip FSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      30685-KSECRETORY APP/MSXContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      307CMSterile Plastic Nylon Minitip Flocked SwSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      3097SNUCLEOCLEAN SPRAYSeparation & Preparation 924.00 

      3098-2MLNUCLEASE FREE WATER - 2MLSeparation & Preparation 140.00 

      32-001KINEASE FP FL GREEN ASY MOD1-STK EALead Discovery 8,951.00 

      32-002KINEASE FP FL GREEN ASY MOD2-MBPKLead Discovery 8,951.00 

      32-012CHK2 KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-020PKA KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-021Akt1/PKBa KinEASE(TM)FP Fl Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-030PKC eta KinEASE(TM) FP Fl Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-036PRAK KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-043SGK1 KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-044MAPK1/Erk1 KinEASE(TM) FP Fl Gr AsyLead Discovery 10,729.00 

      32-045MAPK2/Erk2 KinEASE(TM)FP Fl Gr AsyLead Discovery 10,729.00 

      32-046p38a/SAPK2a KinEASE(TM) FP Gr AsyLead Discovery 10,729.00 

      32-050Abl(h) KinEASE(TM)FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-051Abl(T315I) KinEASE(TM)FP Fl Gr AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-057BTK KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-069Fyn KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-071Ins R KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-072Lck KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-075Met KinEASE(TM) FP Fluor Grn AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-087AMPK KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-090CaM K IV KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-091CHK1 KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-097p70 S6 K KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-099Pim1 KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-114PKC zeta KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-132Abl (m) KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-139Src KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-147Flt3 KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      32-161Syk KinEASE(TM) FP-FarRed AsyLead Discovery 7,149.00 

      3244ICMV PP65, ANTIGENEMIA IFA (INTL)Separation & Preparation 6,026.00 

      3247ICMV PP65, ANTIGENEMIA IFA KIT(INTL)Separation & Preparation 8,436.00 

      3247XCMV pp65 Antigenemia IFA KitSeparation & Preparation 9,278.00 

      32631-KGAMMA GLOBULIN, RBT (CRUDE)Content & Reagents 60,185.00 

      3291IHSV 1/2, TYPING DFA KIT (INTL)Separation & Preparation 2,422.00 

      3296-2MLSIMULFL RESP SCREEN-2MLSeparation & Preparation 2,902.00 

      33-002-Kx4 Reaction BufferLead Discovery -   

      33-004-KPIP2 (1 mM)Lead Discovery 3.00 

      33-006-KSTOP ALead Discovery -   

      33-008-KSTOP BLead Discovery 2.00 

      33-010-KDM ALead Discovery 59.00 

      33-012-KDM BLead Discovery 140.00 

      33-013DM B (530ul).Separation & Preparation 8,722.00 

      33-014-KDM CLead Discovery -   

      33-016PI3 Kinase HTRF Assay - 384 wellsLead Discovery 5,827.00 

      33-016DFRP13 Kinase HTRF Assay-384 assays(-70C)Lead Discovery 3,264.00 

      33-016RFP13 Kinase HTRF Assay-384 assays(2-8C)Lead Discovery 3,264.00 

      33-017PI3 Kinase HTRF Assay - 1920 wellsLead Discovery 27,015.00 

      33-017DFRP13 Kinase HTRF Assay-1920 wells(-70C)Lead Discovery 16,193.00 

      33-017RFP13 Kinase HTRF Assay-1920 wells(2-8C)Lead Discovery 16,193.00 

      33-018-KBPIP3 (50 µM)Lead Discovery 140.00 

      33-019-KPIP3 (1 mM)Lead Discovery 129.00 

      33-020-KSTOP SOLUTIONLead Discovery 4.00 

      33-022Reaction Buffer  4X (50 ml) 10,000 wellLead Discovery 2,480.00 

      33-023Reaction Buffer  4X (250 ml) 50,000 wellLead Discovery 11,174.00 

      33-032DM B (2.5 ml) 10,000 wellSeparation & Preparation 39,004.00 

      33-033DM B (12.5 ml) 50,000 wellSeparation & Preparation 173,656.00 

      33-036PI3 Kinase HTRF Assay - 10,000 wellsLead Discovery 182,934.00 

      33-037PI3 Kinase HTRF Assay - 50,000 wellsLead Discovery 553,129.00 

      33-038PI3-K (CII) HTRF Assay 1-plate kitLead Discovery 21,411.00 

      33-039PI3-K (CII) HTRF Assay - 5-plate kitLead Discovery 71,826.00 

      33-047PI3-K 3-step HTRF assay kit, 10K wellsLead Discovery 140,845.00 

      33-054PIP4-Kinase HTRF Assay (384 wells)Lead Discovery 25,822.00 

      33-055PIP4-Kinase HTRF Assay (1920 wells)Lead Discovery 87,832.00 

      330CMUniversal Transport Medium, MinitubSeparation & Preparation 1,357.00 

      33-125PIP5-Kinase HTRF Assay (384 wells)Lead Discovery 29,823.00 

      33-126PIP5-Kinase HTRF Assay (1920 wells)Lead Discovery 72,107.00 

      33537-KSERUM, GT, NORMAL DONORContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      3360-10MLPAN ENTERO - 10MLSeparation & Preparation 8,354.00 

      33623-KCD31 PECAM-1/HM X MSContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      33637-KCD31 PECAM-1 MSX RT NZContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      34243-KLH, MSXContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      346CMSterilPlstcNylonRegFlockSwabW/3mL50pkUTMSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      35-002STK antibody (20X)            237ulContent & Reagents 4,317.00 

      35-002CSTK antibody          5ml    FContent & Reagents 99,438.00 

      35-002-KSTK Antibody ( 20x)Content & Reagents 380,894.00 

      35-003MBPK antibody (20x)    237ul     (gContent & Reagents 4,317.00 

      35-004TK antibody (20x)             237ulContent & Reagents 4,317.00 

      35-005MBPK antibody (20x)           237ulContent & Reagents 4,317.00 

      350CMUniversal Transport Medium, 12x80mmSeparation & Preparation 1,357.00 

      35517-KIGG, GTX MS, ADS BIOTINContent & Reagents 468.00 

      35846H3-KIgM / ADS Biotin  Gt x Ms      MgContent & Reagents 351.00 

      35965-KSRANK-LIGAND HU - 1MGContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      359CMSterile Plastic Nylon Reg Flocked SwabsSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      3600-0020Power SupplyDetection Solutions 1,354.00 

      3600-0190POWER SUPPLY, 24V 100WDetection Solutions 2,665.00 

      3600-0200POWER SUPPLY, 12V, 80W, POWER-ONEDetection Solutions 1,791.00 

      3600-0230Power Supply, +5/+15/-15, 65WDetection Solutions 2,171.00 

      3600-0240POWER SUPPLY, SKYNET +24V, 100WSeparation & Preparation 1,245.00 

      3600-0250POWER SUPPLY, V-INFINITY +12V+5V, 120WSeparation & Preparation 1,637.00 

      36-002ANTI-PHOS-SGK     100ULContent & Reagents 3,381.00 

      36-003ANTI-PHOS-MYPT1   (THR850) 200UGContent & Reagents 3,615.00 

      36-004ANTI-PHOSPHO-BIM  EL (SER65) 200UGContent & Reagents 4,083.00 

      36-005ANTI-PHOSPHO-BIM   EL (SER55)200UGContent & Reagents 3,849.00 

      36-006ANTI-PHOSPHO-CPI-17  (THR38) 200UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      36-007A-PH-PRAK  (T182)   200UGContent & Reagents 3,615.00 

      36-008a-a-Synuclein,cl Syn211       200ulContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      36-009ANTI-SYNUCLEIN, CLONE SYN207Content & Reagents 3,732.00 

      36-010A-PH-MKK7/SKK4   (T275/S277)100ULContent & Reagents 3,615.00 

      36-011A-NIT-A/B-SYNUCLEIN,CL.NSYN12 200ULContent & Reagents 4,434.00 

      36-012A-NITRO-A/B-SYNUCLEIN,(TYR39) 200ULContent & Reagents 4,434.00 

      36-013A-PH-MKK7/SKK4  (THR275)      200UGContent & Reagents 3,381.00 

      36-014A-PHOSPHO-FKHR (S329)         100ULContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      36-015ANTI-PHOSPHO-ATF2   (SER90)200UGContent & Reagents 3,264.00 

      36-016A-PHOSPHO-ATF2 (THR69)        200UGContent & Reagents 3,498.00 

      36-017A-CLEAVED-TAU (ASP421), CL C3 100ULContent & Reagents 4,317.00 

      36-019Anti-phospho-KDR/Flk-1/VEGFR2(Tyr10Content & Reagents 3,615.00 

      36074-KSERUM,SHEEPContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      360CMSterile Plastic Nylon Flexible Minitip FSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      361CMSterile PlasticNylon Minitip Flock SwabsSeparation & Preparation 2,258.00 

      36651-KSERUM, NORMAL, GTX HU, BULKContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      3700-0060PCBA, 4 axis controller (TERN)Detection Solutions 20,248.00 

      37151-KNGF(BETA) SHX APContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      37317-KC-REACTIVE PROTEIN, HUMANSeparation & Preparation 49,088.00 

      37420-KIGM, GTX HU, HRPContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      37695-KIGG FC/GT F(AB)2 X MS FLUORContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      38243A-KNORMAL MOUSE ASCITESContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      38430-KMYELOPEROXIDASE, RBX-2MLContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      39214-KNGF RECPT(P75) RB X MSContent & Reagents 60,185.00 

      39584-KTIMP-1/RB X HUContent & Reagents 60,080.00 

      3TSHuman Amyloid β 40 ELISA MicrotiterDetection Solutions 2,340.00 

      4000-0040Guava ViaCount Reagent (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 1,860.00 

      4000-0041Guava ViaCount  Reagent (600 Tests)Detection Solutions 9,875.00 

      4000-0061Guava Express® 7-AAD Reagent (200 Tests)Detection Solutions 1,802.00 

      4000-0066EXPRESS 7-AAD BULKDetection Solutions 8,588.00 

      40-008BDLYTE(R)96-WELL FILTERPLATE 1PLATEDetection Solutions 468.00 

      40-285Hand Held Magnetic Separation Block forDetection Solutions 10,011.00 

      41-613EGFR Profiler Phosphopeptide ControlDetection Solutions 702.00 

      4200-0140Guava Instr Clean Fluid (ICF) (100 mL)Detection Solutions 386.00 

      4200-0580Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent ParticlesSeparation & Preparation 2,940.00 

      42-307EMouse IgE Beads (1X)Detection Solutions 1,989.00 

      42-610K5-Plex STAT Panel Beads20X MILLIPLEX MAPDetection Solutions 4,212.00 

      42-610MAG5-Plex STAT Phosphoprotein MAG BeadsDetection Solutions 3,978.00 

      42-611K11-Plex Akt/mTOR Beads 20X MILLIPLEX MAPDetection Solutions 14,508.00 

      42-613MAG8-plex EGFR Profiler Beads-Magnetic 20XDetection Solutions 6,084.00 

      42-614MAG6-plx TGFb SignalingPathway MagBeads20xDetection Solutions 6,084.00 

      42-615K5-Plex Heat Shock Protein MAG BeadsDetection Solutions 3,978.00 

      42-617MAG4-Plx StemCell PluripotncyP1 MAGBead 20xDetection Solutions 7,020.00 

      42-66010-Plex Human MAPK/SAPK-Phosphoprotein BDetection Solutions 6,552.00 

      42-660MAG10-Plex HuMAPK/SAPK PhosphoMAG Bead(20x)Detection Solutions 7,605.00 

      42-669MAG7-Plex Early Apoptosis Mag Beads (20x)Detection Solutions 7,020.00 

      42-670Milliplex Map 3 Plex Apoptosis BeadsDetection Solutions 4,680.00 

      42-670MAG3-Plex Apoptosis Magnetic Beads (20X)Detection Solutions 3,627.00 

      42-671MAG7-Plx RTK Mitogen. Beads - Mag (20X)Detection Solutions 7,254.00 

      42-672MAG7-Plx RTK Mitogen. Beads - Mag (20X)Detection Solutions 7,254.00 

      42-673MAG10-Plex RTK AngioTotal Protein MAG(20X)Detection Solutions 7,839.00 

      42-674MAG10-Plex RTK AngiogenPhospho MAG(20x)Detection Solutions 7,839.00 

      42-680Milliplex 8-Plex Multi-Pathway PhosDetection Solutions 2,808.00 

      42-680MAG9-Plex Multi-Pathway Phospho MAG BeadsDetection Solutions 3,627.00 

      42-690MAG7-Plex Human TCR Magnetic Beads, 20XDetection Solutions 5,850.00 

      43-008LMouse Ig Positive ControlDetection Solutions 2,223.00 

      43-010MilliplexMap Assay Buffer 1Detection Solutions 819.00 

      43-024AMilliplexMAP Cell Signaling AmplifiDetection Solutions 819.00 

      43-040MilliplexMAP Cell Signaling UniversDetection Solutions 1,404.00 

      43-041MilliplexMAP Cell Signaling AssayBuffer2Detection Solutions 1,287.00 

      43-042Cell / Mitochondria Lysis BufferDetection Solutions 1,521.00 

      43-045Cell Lysis BufferDetection Solutions 1,287.00 

      44-029Anti-Mouse Kappa Light Chain, PE  100XDetection Solutions 2,574.00 

      44-030Anti-Mouse Lambda Light Chain, PE  100XDetection Solutions 2,574.00 

      44-610K5-Plex STAT Biotin (20X) - MILLIPLEX MAPDetection Solutions 4,212.00 

      44-610KMG5-Plex STAT Phosphoprotein Biotin (20X)Detection Solutions 3,978.00 

      44-611K11-Plex Akt/mTOR  Biotin 20X,  MILLIPLEXDetection Solutions 15,093.00 

      44-611KMG11-Plex Akt/mTOR Biotin 20XDetection Solutions 7,839.00 

      44-612K11-Plex Akt/mTOR Biotin 20xDetection Solutions 7,839.00 

      44-613K8-Plex EGFR Profiler, Biotin 20XDetection Solutions 6,084.00 

      44-614K6-Plex TGFb Signaling Pathway Biotin20XDetection Solutions 6,084.00 

      44-615K5-Plex Heat Shock Protein BiotinDetection Solutions 3,978.00 

      44-617KMG4-Plx StemCell Pluripotency P1 Biotin20xDetection Solutions 4,680.00 

      44-66010-Plex HumanMAPK/SAPK-PhosphoproteinBioDetection Solutions 6,552.00 

      44-660KMG10-Plex Hu MAPK/SAPK Phospho Bt (20x)Detection Solutions 7,605.00 

      44-669KMG7-Plex Early Apoptosis Biotin (20x)Detection Solutions 7,020.00 

      44-670Milliplex Map 3 Plex Apoptosis, BiotinDetection Solutions 5,499.00 

      44-670KMG3-Plex Apoptosis Biotin (20X)Detection Solutions 3,627.00 

      44-671K7-Plex Total RTK Mitogenesis Biotin(20x)Detection Solutions 7,254.00 

      44-672K7-Plx Phospho RTK Mitogen. Biotin (20x)Detection Solutions 7,254.00 

      44-673K10-Plex RTK AngioTotal Protein Bt(20X)Detection Solutions 7,839.00 

      44-674K10-Plex RTK AngioPhospho Biotin (20X)Detection Solutions 7,839.00 

      44-680Milliplex 8-Plex Multi-Pathway PhosDetection Solutions 1,287.00 

      44-680KMG9-Plex Multi-Pathway Phospho Biotin 20XDetection Solutions 1,521.00 

      44-690KMG7-Plex Human TCR Biotin, 20XDetection Solutions 5,850.00 

      4500-0020Guava Check KitDetection Solutions 2,317.00 

      4500-0110Guava ViaCount® Flex Reagent for ChallenDetection Solutions 2,317.00 

      4500-0121Guava TUNEL Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 6,178.00 

      4500-0121-1Guava TUNEL Kit (100 Tests) Bag 1 oDetection Solutions 3,101.00 

      4500-0121-2Guava TUNEL Kit (100 Tests) Bag 2 oDetection Solutions 3,101.00 

      4500-0150Guava Express® CD3/CD4 Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 2,574.00 

      4500-0190Guava EasyCD8™ Reagent Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 2,434.00 

      4500-0195RU0Guava EasyCD8 Reagent Kit (500 tests)Detection Solutions 17,117.00 

      4500-0196RU0Guava EasyCD8 Reagent Kit (1000 tests)Detection Solutions 32,444.00 

      4500-0200Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (PCA)Detection Solutions 6,236.00 

      4500-0200-1Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (PCA) BagDetection Solutions 5,347.00 

      4500-0200-2Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (PCA) BagDetection Solutions 901.00 

      4500-0220Guava® Cell Cycle Reagent (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 1,346.00 

      4500-0230Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (EasyCyte)Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      4500-0230-1Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (EasyCyte)Detection Solutions 2,246.00 

      4500-0230-2Guava® Cell Toxicity Kit (EasyCyte)Detection Solutions 901.00 

      4500-0250Guava® Mitochodrial DepolorizationDetection Solutions 4,505.00 

      4500-0270Guava® Cell Growth Kit (200 Tests)Detection Solutions 2,457.00 

      4500-0270-1Guava® Cell Growth Kit (200 Tests)Detection Solutions 1,544.00 

      4500-0270-2Guava® Cell Growth Kit (200 Tests)Detection Solutions 901.00 

      4500-0340Guava RapidQuant Human IgG KitDetection Solutions 3,545.00 

      4500-0340-1Guava RapidQuant™ Human IgG Kit Part 1Detection Solutions 2,246.00 

      4500-0340-2Guava RapidQuant™ Human IgG Kit Part 2Detection Solutions 1,287.00 

      4500-0350Guava Rapid Quant Mouse IgG KitDetection Solutions 2,902.00 

      4500-0350-1Guava RapidQuant™ Mouse IgG Kit Part 1Detection Solutions 1,463.00 

      4500-0350-2Guava RapidQuant™ Mouse IgG Kit Part 2Detection Solutions 1,463.00 

      4500-0450Guava Nexin Reagent (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 3,803.00 

      4500-0455Guava Nexin® Reagent (500 Tests)Detection Solutions 17,960.00 

      4500-0480Guava® Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit (1Detection Solutions 2,867.00 

      4500-0480RU0Guava Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit100 testsDetection Solutions 4,200.00 

      4500-0485Guava® Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit (5Detection Solutions 13,549.00 

      4500-0485RU0Guava Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit500 testsDetection Solutions 20,007.00 

      4500-0490Guava® Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit (1Detection Solutions 25,623.00 

      4500-0490RU0Guava Auto CD4/CD4% Reagent Kit (10Detection Solutions 37,850.00 

      4500-0500Guava® MultiCaspase SR Kit (100 tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0520Guava® Caspase 9 SR Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0530Guava® MultiCaspase FAM Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0540Guava® Caspase 3/7 FAM Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0550Guava® Caspase 8 FAM Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0560Guava® Caspase 9 FAM Kit (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 5,078.00 

      4500-0570Guava® MultiCaspase SR and CaspaseDetection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0580Guava® MultiCaspase SR and Caspase 8..Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0590Guava® MultiCaspase SR and Caspase 9..Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0600Guava® Caspase 3/7 SR and Caspase 8Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0630Guava® Caspase 9 SR and Caspase 3/7Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0640Guava® Caspase 9 SR and Caspase 8Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      4500-0650Guava® Caspase 9 SR and MultiCaspase..Detection Solutions 7,664.00 

      45-001CDStreptavidin-PhycoerythrinDetection Solutions 4,329.00 

      45-001DMILLIPLEX MAP STREPTAV-PHYCOE 100ULDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      45-001HStreptavidin-PhycoerythrinDetection Solutions 3,627.00 

      46-601Phospho-AKT1/PKB (Ser473) MAPmateDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-601APhospho-AKT1/PKB (Ser473) MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-601PATHSvcTest  P-AKT1/PKBA BDMT AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-602Phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr185/Tyr187) MAPmDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-602APhosphoERK 1/2 Thr185Tyr187 MAPmates setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-602PATHSvcTest  P-ERK1/2 BDMATE  AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-603Phospho-EGF Rec (Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-603APhospho-EGF Rec Tyr MAPmates ship setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-603PATHSvcTest  P-EGF REC BDMATE AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-604Active Caspase 3 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-604AActive Caspase 3 MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-604PATHSvcTest  ACT CASPASE 3 BDMAead Discovery -   

      46-605Total Akt/PKB  MAPmates™, Assay Buffer 1Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-605PATHSvcTest  TOTAL AKT/PKB  AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-606Total EGF Receptor MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-606PATHSvcTest TOT EGFREC BDMATE AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-607Phospho Hsp27 (Ser78) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-607APhospho Hsp27(Ser78)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-607PATHSvcTest  PHOS-HSP27 BDMTES AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-608Total Hsp27 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-608PATHSvcTest  TOT-HSP27 BDMATE  AP10Lead Discovery -   

      46-609Total ERK/MAP Kinase 1/2 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-609PATHSvcTest TOT ERK/MAP KIN 1/2 BDMALead Discovery -   

      46-610Phospho p38/SAPK(Thr180/Tyr182)MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-610APhospho p38/SAPK (Thr180/Tyr182) MADetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-610PATHSvcTest PHOSPHO-P38 BDMATE   AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-611PATHSvcTest PHOSPHO-RSK1 BDMATE  AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-612Total p38 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-612PATHSvcTest TOTAL P38 BDMATE    AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-613PhosphoJNK/SAPK1(Thr183/Tyr185)MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-613APhospho JNK/SAPK1 (Thr183/Tyr185) MDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-613PATHSvcTest PHOS-JNK/SAPK1 BDMATE  100APLead Discovery -   

      46-614PATHSvcTest PHOS-PDGF REC A BDMATE  AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-615Phospho PDGF Receptor beta MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-615APhospho PDGF Receptor beta MAPmates setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-615PATHSvcTest PHOS-PDGF REC B BDMATE  AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-616Phospho LCK (Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-616APhospho LCK (Tyr) MAPmates™ (ship sets)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-616PATHSvcTest PHOSPHO-LCK BDMATE   100APLead Discovery -   

      46-617PATHSvcTest TOTAL LCK BDMATE     100APLead Discovery -   

      46-618Total JNK /SAPK1 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-618PATHSvcTest TOTAL JNK /SAPK1 BDMATE 100APLead Discovery -   

      46-619Phospho c-Kit (Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-619APhospho c-Kit (Tyr) MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-619PATHSvcTest PHOSPHO-C-KIT BDMATE   100APLead Discovery -   

      46-620Total c-Kit MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-620ATotal c-Kit MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-620PATHSvcTest TOTAL C-KIT BDMATE    100APLead Discovery -   

      46-621Total p21 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-621ATotal p21 MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-622Phospho c-Jun (Ser73) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-622APhospho c-Jun(Ser73)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-622PATHSvcTest A-PHOS JUN (SER73) BDMATE  100APLead Discovery -   

      46-623Phospho STAT3 (Tyr705 ) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-623APhospho STAT3 Tyr705 MAPmates™(ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-623PATHSvcTest PHOS-STAT3 (TYR705 ) BDMAead Discovery -   

      46-624Phospho STAT3(Ser727) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-624APhospho STAT3 Ser727 MAPmates™(ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-624PATHSvcTest eHOS STAT3(S727) BDMATE AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-625Total STAT3 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-625PATHSvcTest TOTAL STAT3 BDMATE   AP100Lead Discovery -   

      46-626PATHSvcTest ACTIVE B-CATENIN BDMATE 100APLead Discovery -   

      46-627Phospho IRS1 (Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-627APhospho IRS1 (Tyr) MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-627PATHSvcTest PHOS-IRS1 BDMATE     100APLead Discovery -   

      46-628Total IRS1 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-628PATHSvcTest TOTAL IRS1 BDMATE    100APLead Discovery -   

      46-629Phospho p70 S6 Kinase MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-629APhospho p70 S6 Kinase MAPmates™(ship setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-629PATHSvcTest PHOS-P70 S6K(T412)BDMTES  100APLead Discovery -   

      46-630Total p70 S6 Kinase MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-630PATHSvcTest TOTAL P70 S6K BDMATE  100APLead Discovery -   

      46-631Phospho CREB (Ser133) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-631APhospho CREB (Ser133) MAPmates™(shiDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-631PATHSvcTest PH-CREB (SER133) BDMATE 100APLead Discovery -   

      46-632Total CREB MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-632PATHSvcTest TOTAL CREB BDMATE  100APLead Discovery -   

      46-633PATHSvcTest Phospho-STAT6(Tyr641) BDMAead Discovery -   

      46-635Phospho STAT2 (pY690) MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-635APhospho STAT2(pY690)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-641PhosphSTAT5A/B(Tyr 694/Tyr 699)MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-641APhosphoSTAT5A/B(Tyr 694/Tyr 699)MAPmate™Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-641PATHSvcTest pSTAT5A/B(Y694/699) BDMATE 100APLead Discovery -   

      46-643Phospho-IkB a (Ser32) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-643APhospho-IkB a(Ser32)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-643PATHSvcTest Phospho-IkB a (Ser32) BDMAead Discovery -   

      46-644Total IkB a MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-644PATHService Testing Total IkB a BeadmatesTMLead Discovery -   

      46-645Phospho-Akt1/PKB alpha (Thr308)MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-645APhospho-Akt1/PKB alpha (Thr308) MAPDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-646Total IGF-1 Receptor MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-647Phospho-IGF-1 Receptor (pTyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-647APhospho-IGF-1 Receptor pTyr MAPmates setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-650Total-c-Met/HGFR MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-651Phospho-c-Met/HGFR (pan Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-651APhospho-c-Met/HGFR (pan Tyr) MAPmatDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-654Total STAT1 MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-655Phospho STAT1 (Tyr701) MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-655APhospho STAT1 Tyr701 MAPmates™(ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-656Cleaved PARP MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-656ACleaved PARP MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-658Phospho-ATF2 (pT69/71) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-658APhospho-ATF2 pT69/71 MAPmates™(ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-661Phospho-ZAP-70 (Tyr) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-661APhospho-ZAP-70 (Tyr) MAPmates™ (shipDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-662Total p53 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-662ATotal p53 MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-663Phospho-p53 (pS15) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-663APhospho-p53 (pS15) MAPmates™ (ship sets)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-665Total HIF1a MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-665ATotal HIF1a MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-667Human Total GAPDH MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-667MAGTotal GAPDH Magnetic Bead MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-669Total MEK1 MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-670Phospho MEK1 (pS221) MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-670APhospho MEK1 (pS222) MAPmates™ (shipDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-673ATotal MSK1 MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-675Total Akt/PKB (Assay Buffer 2) MAPmatesDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-677Phospho-Akt/PKB (Ser473) (Assay BufDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-677APhosphAktPKBSer473AssayBuff2MAPmates setDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-678Total PTEN MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-679Phospho PTEN (Ser380) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-679APhospho PTEN(Ser380)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-680Total PRAS40 MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-681Phospho PRAS40 (Thr246) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-681APhosph PRAS40 Thr246 MAPmates™(ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-685Total mTOR MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-686Phospho mTOR (Ser2448) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-686APhospho mTOR (Ser2448) MAPmates™ (sDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-687Total IR MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-687ATotal IR MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-688Phospho IR (Tyr1161/1163) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-688APhospho IR (Tyr1161/1163) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-689Total GSK3b MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-690Phospho GSK3b (Ser9) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-690ApGSK3b (Ser9) MAPmates - (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-692Phospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-692APhospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139) MAPmDetection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-694Phospho-BAD MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-694APhospho-BAD MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,393.00 

      46-695Total BAD MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-701Total NFkB MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-702Phospho NFkB (Ser536) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-702APhospho NFkB(Ser536)MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-703Total Rb MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-703ATotal Rb MAPmates™ (ship sets)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-704pRb (Thr252) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-704ApRb (Thr252) MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-705pRb (Thr826) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-705ApRb (Thr826) MAPmates™ (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-706pRb (Ser811) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-706ApRb (Ser811) MAPmates™  (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-707Total Lyn MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-707ATotal Lyn MAPmates™  (ship set)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-708Phospho Lyn (Tyr397) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-708APhospho Lyn (Tyr397) MAPmates™ (shipDetection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-709Total Src MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-710Phospho Src (Tyr419) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-710APhospho Src(Tyr419)MAPmates™ (ship sets)Detection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-711Phospho Src (Tyr530) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-711APhospho Src (Tyr530) MAPmates™ (shipDetection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-712Phospho Lck (Tyr394) MAPmates™Detection Solutions 3,159.00 

      46-712APhospho Lck (Tyr394) MAPmates™ (shipDetection Solutions 3,510.00 

      46-713MAGTotal b-Tubulin Magnetic Bead MAPmateDetection Solutions 3,159.00 

      4700-0010Guava Express Goat F’(ab)2Anti-MousDetection Solutions 2,902.00 

      4700-0050ViaCount Cell Dispersal Reagent 100TDetection Solutions 1,615.00 

      4700-0060Guava ViaCount Flex Reagent (500 Tests)Detection Solutions 8,050.00 

      4700-0073Guava Antibody Dilution Buffer 100 testDetection Solutions 117.00 

      4700-0075Guava Antibody Dilution Buffer 500 testDetection Solutions 328.00 

      4700-0081Guava® 1X Lysing Solution (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 328.00 

      4700-0086LYSING SOLUTION, 1X, 500T, DIAGNOSTICDetection Solutions 2,048.00 

      4700-0088Guava® 1X Lysing Solution (500 Tests)Detection Solutions 1,931.00 

      4700-0140Guava® Fixative Solution (100 Tests)Detection Solutions 187.00 

      4700-0145Guava® Fixative Solution (500 Tests)Detection Solutions 386.00 

      4700-132510X Assay Buffer HSCSeparation & Preparation 294.00 

      47-201Jurkat T Cell Lysate: C305Detection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-205MilliplexMAP HeLa Cell Lysate: UnstDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-206Jurkat T  Cell Lysate: UnstimulatedDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-207MilliplexMap Jurkat T Cell Lysate:ADetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-208Jurkat Cell Lysate:  H2O2 treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-210MillipleMAPA431CellLysateEGFtreated100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-211HeLa Cell Lysate HS/Ars treatedDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-212MilplxMAPHeLaCelLysat:TNFalphaTreat100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-213NIH3T3 Cell Lysate PDGF-AB treated 100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-214Kasumi-3 Cell Lysate: SCF treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-216MCF7 Cell Lysate:  IGF treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-217Daudi Cell Lysate:  IL-4 treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-218A549 Cell Lysate:Camptothecin treat100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-219NIH3T3 Cell Lysate:Anisomycin treat100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-220Jurkat T Cell Lysate:  Paclitaxel tDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-222HeLa Cell Lysate:  HGF treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-223HeLa CellLysate:Pervanadate treated100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-224Ramos Cell Lysate:Pervanadate treat100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-225HL-60 Cell Lysate:Pervanadate treat100ulDetection Solutions 1,287.00 

      47-226MilliplexMAP HeLa Cell Lysate: IFN alphaDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-227HepG2 Cell Lysate:Insulin treated 100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-228HEK293 Cell Lysate:  IGF treated  100ulDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-229HeLa Cell Lysate: Lambda PhosphatasDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-230HeLa Cell Lysate:  TNFa + Calyculin ADetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-231Hep G2 Cell Lysate (unstim)Detection Solutions 1,287.00 

      47-232HepG2 Cell Lysate: DCA,DCA Treated CellsDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-233HEK293 Cell Lysate:  serumDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-234HepG2 Cell Lysate:   Unstimulated (2)Detection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-235HepG2 Cell Lysate: TGF betaDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-236THP-1 Cell Lysate:  SerumDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-237HFF-1 Cell Lysate: SerumDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-238HUVEC Cell Lysate: SerumDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-239Hep G2 Cell Lysate:  Unstimulated (3)Detection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-241Ntera-2cl.D1 Lysate: UnstimulatedDetection Solutions 1,170.00 

      47-300Mouse Multi-Immunoglobulin StandardDetection Solutions 2,223.00 

      47-303Human IgE Standard - Milliplex MAPDetection Solutions 1,404.00 

      48-602MilliplexMAPCell Signal Buff/Detect KitDetection Solutions 4,329.00 

      48-610MILLIPLEX MAP 5-Plex STAT PanelDetection Solutions 12,344.00 

      48-610MAG5-Plex STAT Magnetic Bead KitDetection Solutions 12,344.00 

      48-611MILLIPLEX MAP 11-Plex Akt/mTOR SignalingDetection Solutions 22,874.00 

      48-611MAG11-Plex Akt/mTOR Phospho MAG Bead PanelDetection Solutions 22,874.00 

      48-612MAG11-Plex Akt/mTOR Total MAG Bead PanelDetection Solutions 22,874.00 

      48-613MAG8-Plex EGFR Profiler Magnetic Bead KitDetection Solutions 17,726.00 

      48-614MAG6-Plex TGFb Signaling Mag Bead PanelDetection Solutions 14,391.00 

      48-615MAG5-Plex Heat Shock Protein MAG Bead KitDetection Solutions 12,344.00 

      48-617MAG4-Plx HuStemCell Pluripotency P1 MAG KitDetection Solutions 11,700.00 

      48-660MILLIPLEX MAP 10-Plex MAPK/SAPK SignalinDetection Solutions 21,119.00 

      48-660MAG10-Plex MAPK/SAPK Magnetic Bead KitDetection Solutions 25,740.00 

      48-669MAG7-Plex Early Apoptosis Magnetic Bead KitDetection Solutions 16,029.00 

      48-670Milliplex Map 3-Plex Apoptosis SignDetection Solutions 8,892.00 

      48-670MAG3-Plex Late Apoptosis MAG KitDetection Solutions 8,892.00 

      48-671MAG7-Plx RTK Mitogenesis Total Protein MAGDetection Solutions 16,029.00 

      48-672MAG7-Plx RTK Mitogenesis Phosphoprotein MAGDetection Solutions 16,029.00 

      48-673MAG10-Plex RTK Angiogen Total Phospho MagDetection Solutions 21,119.00 

      48-674MAG10-Plex RTK AngiogenPhospho Mag KitDetection Solutions 21,119.00 

      48-680MilliplexMAP 8-Plex Multi-Pathway SDetection Solutions 17,726.00 

      48-680MAG9-Plex Multi-Pathway MAG PanelDetection Solutions 19,481.00 

      48-690MILLIPLEX MAP Human T Cell Receptor SignDetection Solutions 16,029.00 

      48-690MAG7-Plex Human T Cell Receptor MAG KitDetection Solutions 17,843.00 

      48GLUHUE01L1Glucagon ELISABiopharm Services 285.00 

      4TSHuman Amyloid β 42 ELISA MicrotiterDetection Solutions 2,340.00 

      5009-5ADENO, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 971.00 

      50-100Rat Heart LysateDetection Solutions 1,287.00 

      5010-5INFLU A/B, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 971.00 

      5011-5PARA 1, 2, 3, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 971.00 

      5012-5RSV, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 971.00 

      5016-20MLADENO, MAB, FITC (CUSTOM)-20MLSeparation & Preparation 13,455.00 

      5016C-KADENO, FLUORSeparation & Preparation 3,475.00 

      501CS01MSterile Plastic Nylon Minitip FlockSeparation & Preparation 1,229.00 

      5025-KITParainfluenza Panel KitSeparation & Preparation 3,206.00 

      5026-2MLCMV IFA-2mLSeparation & Preparation 1,252.00 

      5027-5CMV, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 1,252.00 

      5029-5MUMPS, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 924.00 

      502CS01MSterile Plastic Nylon Regular FlockSeparation & Preparation 1,229.00 

      5031-5MEASLES, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 924.00 

      503CS01MSterile Plastic Nylon Flexible Minitip FSeparation & Preparation 1,229.00 

      5069-5Pan-Enterovirus 6well Control Slides 5pkSeparation & Preparation 1,123.00 

      5071-10RESP VIRAL, CONT SLIDE, 8WELL-10PKSeparation & Preparation 2,012.00 

      5088-5VZV, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 1,088.00 

      5090-2MLCMV FITC-2mLSeparation & Preparation 1,205.00 

      5090C-KCMV, FITC W/O EVANS BLUE 10MLSeparation & Preparation 3,686.00 

      5091ASRhMPV DFA ReagentSeparation & Preparation 1,814.00 

      5091RU0Human Metapneumovirus DFA Reagent, RUOSeparation & Preparation 1,814.00 

      5092-5Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) ControSeparation & Preparation 901.00 

      5092R-5HMPV A/B, Control Slide, 5-PackSeparation & Preparation 1,065.00 

      5093-5HSV 1/2, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 948.00 

      5097ICMV PP65, AB-5MLSeparation & Preparation 4,516.00 

      5097RCMV pp65 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODYSeparation & Preparation 5,066.00 

      5098-5PARA 4, CONTROL SLIDE-5PKSeparation & Preparation 971.00 

      5122-5XLeukocyte separation sol 5xSeparation & Preparation 500.00 

      518CS01MSterile Plastic Nylon Minitip ApplicatorSeparation & Preparation 1,229.00 

      5199IRABIES, POLYCLONAL DFA (INTL)Separation & Preparation 2,024.00 

      519CS01MSterile Plastic Nylon Regular SwabsSeparation & Preparation 1,229.00 

      5202IRABIES NEGATIVE CONTROL (INTL)Separation & Preparation 831.00 

      5233IHSV-1, TYPING REAGENTSeparation & Preparation 1,732.00 

      5234IHSV-2, TYPING REAGENTSeparation & Preparation 1,732.00 

      5243-2MLSimulFluor HSV 1/2-2mLSeparation & Preparation 1,065.00 

      5250-5MLSIMULFL FLU A/B -5MLSeparation & Preparation 5,838.00 

      528-02490-01CABLE, PMT ASSYSeparation & Preparation 41,160.00 

      5307-2MLRespiratory Screening Reagent DFA-2mLSeparation & Preparation 1,591.00 

      5396RSIMULFLUOR RESPIRATORY SCREEN II REAGENTSeparation & Preparation 8,459.00 

      540-00615-02FITTING, NUT, SHORT, BLACK, P-932Separation & Preparation 294.00 

      540-01981-01SENSOR, LIQUID LEVELSeparation & Preparation 980.00 

      540-02732-01AIR FILTER, 267mm X 384mm X 22mmSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

      545-02403-01LENS, OBJECTIVE, 40X, 0.75NASeparation & Preparation 24,696.00 

      545-02404-01LENS, OBJECTIVE, 60X, 0.90NASeparation & Preparation 62,259.00 

      5500IRABIES DFA II (INTL) 5MLSeparation & Preparation 4,048.00 

      552CMSterile Plastic Nylon Regular Flocked SwSeparation & Preparation 1,427.00 

      553CMSterile Plastic Nylon Regular Flocked SwSeparation & Preparation 1,427.00 

      579020L1Assay service for Human Visfatin ELISABiopharm Services 258.00 

      6000-0070Alignment Fixture PCADetection Solutions 719.00 

      6000-0080Pin hole ShuttleDetection Solutions 578.00 

      6000-0630Mixer spacer blockDetection Solutions 1,452.00 

      6000-0710Alignment PinDetection Solutions 85.00 

      6000-0720Z height Calibration ToolDetection Solutions 16,709.00 

      6000-0840Z-Ht CalibratorDetection Solutions 12,535.00 

      6000-1310Flight Case Shipping PalletDetection Solutions 3,624.00 

      6000-1380Tooling Lens Assembly (FSC and SSC)Detection Solutions 15,327.00 

      6000-1400Bracket, White Light Source, Side (FDetection Solutions 1,495.00 

      6000-1470Pinhole Tooling Assembly (pinhole aDetection Solutions 1,495.00 

      6000-1480Power Meter BracketDetection Solutions 719.00 

      6000-1520Power Meter Tooling Bracket (for pinDetection Solutions 578.00 

      6000-1530Bracket, White Light Source, FrontDetection Solutions 1,495.00 

      6000-1970KIT, PCA ALIGNMENT TOOLINGDetection Solutions 8,686.00 

      6000-1990Fiber Optic Cable adapterDetection Solutions 437.00 

      6000-2070SERVICE,  LASER POWER METER FILTERSeparation & Preparation 1,009.00 

      6000-2080USB ProgrammerDetection Solutions 4,639.00 

      6000-2090Cable, DB9M-DB9FDetection Solutions 155.00 

      6000-2100Flat Blade driver 7"Detection Solutions 99.00 

      6000-2110Extractor DIPDetection Solutions 127.00 

      6000-2120Extractor PLCCDetection Solutions 226.00 

      6000-2130Light Box, 24W-ACMI/ATTDetection Solutions 14,594.00 

      6000-2140Light Box, PS, DomesticDetection Solutions 1,100.00 

      6000-2150Fiber OpticDetection Solutions 959.00 

      6000-2160Fiber Optic adapterDetection Solutions 494.00 

      6000-2170Laser PWR Meter w/ SensorDetection Solutions 21,728.00 

      6000-2180Laser Safety GlassesDetection Solutions 2,312.00 

      6000-2190Coherent LasercheckDetection Solutions 9,701.00 

      6000-2200Optical Alignment Tool KitDetection Solutions 69,386.00 

      6000-2210Flight CaseDetection Solutions 15,933.00 

      6000-2410SERVICE,  MINSTAC AND FC COMBO TOOLDetection Solutions 310.00 

      6000-2450HT Travel CaseSeparation & Preparation 8,154.00 

      6000-2460Ball End Hex Wrench, 0.050.Separation & Preparation 20.00 

      6000-2740Assembly, 90 Degree White Light AdapterDetection Solutions 3,328.00 

      6000-KQuality Controls I & II (1 ml)Detection Solutions 527.00 

      6000L-KQuality Controls I & II Lyophilized 1mlDetection Solutions 527.00 

      6000S-KSensitive Quality Controls I & II (1 ml)Detection Solutions 527.00 

      600100/2Two (2) Year Comprehensive ServiceDetection Solutions -   

      6001RU0SimulFluor HMPV/RSV ReagentSeparation & Preparation 2,948.00 

      600200/2Field Installation of Options (singlDetection Solutions 27,136.00 

      6002ASRHMPV IFA Reagent, 2 mLSeparation & Preparation 1,357.00 

      6002RU0Human Metapneumovirus IFA Reagent, RUOSeparation & Preparation 1,357.00 

      600300/2Instrument Move and Re-installationDetection Solutions 74,880.00 

      60-073ABL SIRNA/SIAB ASSAY KITContent & Reagents 8,178.00 

      60-084C-JUN SIRNA/SIAB ASSAY KITContent & Reagents 8,412.00 

      601004L1Aggrecan ELISA AssayBiopharm Services 244.00 

      6016-KQuality Controls 1 & 2 (2 ml)Detection Solutions 527.00 

      6066-KQuality Controls I & II Lyophilized 1mlDetection Solutions 878.00 

      6068-KQuality Controls I & II Lyophilized 1mlDetection Solutions 878.00 

      6081-KQuality Controls 1,2  (1 ml)Detection Solutions 527.00 

      6082-KMouse Leptin Quality Controls 1,2  1 mlDetection Solutions 527.00 

      6083-KRat Leptin Quality Controls 1,2  (1ml)Detection Solutions 468.00 

      6088-KQuality Controls I&II Lyophilized 1mlDetection Solutions 527.00 

      6089-KQuality Controls I&II Lyophilized 1mlDetection Solutions 527.00 

      62-003PKD-EGFP-V1 20UG *PO*Content & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-041PKD-AKT1/PKBA-V2               5 UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-101PKD-P70 S6 KINASE II-V2        5 UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-102PKD-P70 S6 KINASE II-V4        5 UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-103PKD-AKT2/PKBB-V1               5 UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-114PKD-IGF-IR-V2                  5 UGContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-136pKD-HDAC5-v1                  5  ugContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-138pKD-Akt3/PKBg-v2        5ugContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-175pKD-FAK-v4     5ug  ALL TEMPSContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-191pKD-MAPK1/Erk 2-v5              5ugContent & Reagents 3,381.00 

      62-206pKD-NFkB p50-v1                 5ugContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      62-244pKD-b-Catenin-v4  5ugContent & Reagents 4,200.00 

      6300-KQuality Control I & II Lyophilized 1 mlDetection Solutions 527.00 

      6361-KQuality Controls 1 and 2Detection Solutions 527.00 

      64-101SIIMPORTER 0.75MLContent & Reagents 3,264.00 

      64-201VISUALIZER(TM) WB DET KIT- MOUSEDetection Solutions 2,940.00 

      64-201BPVisualizer(TM) WB Det Kit- mouseDetection Solutions 4,243.00 

      64-202VISUALIZER(TM) WB DET KIT- RABBITDetection Solutions 2,940.00 

      64-202BPVisualizer(TM) WB Det Kit- rabbitDetection Solutions 4,243.00 

      64-202SPVISUALIZER(TM) WB DET KIT- RABBITDetection Solutions 1,117.00 

      64-301Visualizer(TM) EC WB Det Kit   20 bDetection Solutions 1,000.00 

      64-301BPVisualizer(TM) EC WB Det Kit   50 bDetection Solutions 1,499.00 

      64-301SPVisualizer(TM) EC WB Det Kit   5 blDetection Solutions 490.00 

      6500IRabies DFA III Reagent INTNTLSeparation & Preparation 4,856.00 

      652-02228-03TUBE, SIPPER, ASHSeparation & Preparation 676.00 

      652-03024-01MODIFIED BOTTLE, RECT, HDPE, 2000ml, G2Separation & Preparation 490.00 

      652-03024-02MODIFIED BOTTLE, RECT, HDPE, 2000ml, G2Separation & Preparation 490.00 

      652-03282-01BASE, PETZVAL SET, 36.78MM DIASeparation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      652-03788-01CLAMP, SNAP IN, BEAD VIALSeparation & Preparation 294.00 

      653-03354-03BUBBLE TRAP, DUALSeparation & Preparation 4,028.00 

      700-00726-03LASER, SAPPHIRE 488-500Separation & Preparation 404,250.00 

      700-01321-04HARD DISK DRIVE 3.5INSeparation & Preparation 9,800.00 

      700-02114-03MONITOR, DELL ULTRASHARP 2410 WFPSeparation & Preparation 5,694.00 

      700-03049-01LASER, SAPPHIRE, 561nm, 200mWSeparation & Preparation 404,250.00 

      700-03050-01LASER, SAPPHIRE, 488nm, 100mwSeparation & Preparation 242,550.00 

      700-03454-01LASER, FIBER, 592nm, 300mwSeparation & Preparation 404,250.00 

      70-500Universal Transcription Factor Assay-ColContent & Reagents 4,551.00 

      70-501Universal EZ-TFA Colorimetric 2 PlateContent & Reagents 7,476.00 

      70-510EZ-TFA NFkB p50/p65 ColorimetricContent & Reagents 7,827.00 

      70-515EZ-TFA NFkB p50 ColorimetricContent & Reagents 7,008.00 

      70-520EZ-TFA NFkB p65 ColorimetricContent & Reagents 7,008.00 

      70-560EZ-TFA NFkB Family (Colorimetric)Content & Reagents 11,220.00 

      70-600Universal Transcription Factor Assay-CheContent & Reagents 4,551.00 

      70-601Universal EZ-TFA Chemi 2 plateContent & Reagents 7,476.00 

      70-610EZ-TFA NFkB p50/p65 ChemiContent & Reagents 7,827.00 

      70-615EZ-TFA NFkB p50 ChemiContent & Reagents 7,008.00 

      70-620EZ-TFA NFkB p65 ChemiContent & Reagents 7,008.00 

      70-650EZ-TFA AP1 Family (Chemi)Content & Reagents 11,220.00 

      70-660NFkB Family EZ-TFA ChemiluminescentContent & Reagents 11,220.00 

      70-X10EZ-TFA NFkB p50/65 (-80C)Content & Reagents 3,615.00 

      70-X15EZ-TFA NFkB p50 (-80C)Content & Reagents 3,615.00 

      70-X20EZ-TFA NFkB p65 (-80C)Content & Reagents 3,615.00 

      70-X45EZ-TFA c-fos (-80C)Content & Reagents 7,008.00 

      70-X60EZ-TFA NFkB Family (-80C)Content & Reagents 7,008.00 

      71530-KBACILLUS ANTHRACIS. LF/CL BAL0106Separation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      71531-KBACILLUS ANTHRACIS/CL BAL0105Separation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      71532-KBACILLUS, ANTHRACIS, SPORE RB IGGSeparation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      71535-KBACILLUS ANTHRACIS. PA/CL BAP0102Separation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      71536-KBACILLUS ANTHRACIS.PA/CL BAP0103Separation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      71709-KFRANCISELLA TULARENSIS/CL  T14Separation & Preparation 58,605.00 

      72819PPAX5, RB X HU, AFF PURSeparation & Preparation 157.00 

      73308-KCD4 (CYTOPLASMIC), MSX, ASC  mLContent & Reagents 29,917.00 

      750-01302-03DASSY, POWER INLETSeparation & Preparation 3,185.00 

      750-02220-02CASSY, BEAD MIXERSeparation & Preparation 8,575.00 

      750-02484-02BASSY, AFFSSeparation & Preparation 109,760.00 

      750-02505-00ASSY, OBJECTIVE STAGE, RAWSeparation & Preparation 63,455.00 

      750-02506-01CASSY, PREC ADJUSTING ARMSeparation & Preparation 8,575.00 

      750-02564-02BASSY, FLOW CELLSeparation & Preparation 65,170.00 

      750-02585-01BASSY, FIELD LENS-PATH SPLITTER, 2 CAMERASeparation & Preparation 12,005.00 

      750-02585-02BASSY, FIELD LENS-PATH SPLITTER, 1 CAMERASeparation & Preparation 6,860.00 

      750-02596-03CASSY, FILTER WHEELSeparation & Preparation 12,867.00 

      750-02598-02AASSY, CELL, FILTER, ND2, FWASeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

      750-02598-03AASSY, CELL, FILTER, ND3, FWASeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

      750-02609-03CASSY, FILTER FLIPPERSeparation & Preparation 17,150.00 

      750-02690-01AASSY, LENS, PETZVAL, 30DIA, 25DIASeparation & Preparation 5,145.00 

      750-02723-01CASSY, COOLING-FILTRATIONSeparation & Preparation 8,918.00 

      750-02795-01BASSY, MANIFOLD, WASTESeparation & Preparation 7,546.00 

      750-02866-01BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 1Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02866-02BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 2Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02866-03BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 3Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02866-04BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 4Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02866-05BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 5Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02866-06BASSY, LED BLOCKS, BF CHANNEL 6Separation & Preparation 2,058.00 

      750-02867-01AASSY, LENS SLIDER, POS 1, 2 & 6Separation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      750-02867-03AASSY, LENS SLIDER, POS 3Separation & Preparation 6,860.00 

      750-02867-04AASSY, LENS SLIDER, POS 4Separation & Preparation 6,860.00 

      750-02867-05AASSY, LENS SLIDER, POS 5Separation & Preparation 6,860.00 

      750-03001-01AASSY, BOTTLE, SHEATHSeparation & Preparation 3,773.00 

      750-03002-01BASSY, BOTTLE, STERILIZERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-02BASSY, BOTTLE, CLEANSERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-03AASSY, BOTTLE, REAGENTSSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-03BASSY, BOTTLE, DEBUBBLERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-04AASSY, BOTTLE, STERILIZERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-05AASSY, BOTTLE, CLEANSERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03002-06AASSY, BOTTLE, DEBUBBLERSeparation & Preparation 2,920.00 

      750-03055-02AASSY, CH6 FOCUS CORRECTIONSeparation & Preparation 7,203.00 

      750-03057-01AASSY, LENS, CAMERA, G2Separation & Preparation 5,145.00 

      750-03094-02AASSY, HOODSeparation & Preparation 36,015.00 

      750-03102-03BASSY, PORTAL, IXSeparation & Preparation 41,503.00 

      750-03114-01AASSY, ISOLATION MOUNTSeparation & Preparation 1,715.00 

      750-03134-03AASSY, POWER SUPPLYSeparation & Preparation 24,353.00 

      750-03134-04AASSY, POWER SUPPLYSeparation & Preparation 26,754.00 

      750-03150-02AASSY, BACK PANELSeparation & Preparation 6,517.00 

      750-03194-01BASSY, PANEL, LEFTSeparation & Preparation 7,379.00 

      750-03195-01BASSY, PANEL, RIGHTSeparation & Preparation 7,379.00 

      750-03202-02AASSY, EMBEDDED COMPUTER, IXSeparation & Preparation 90,552.00 

      750-03219-01AASSY, FILTER STACK, 505/560/595/660/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03219-01BASSY, FILTER STACK, 505/560/595/642/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03219-02AASSY, FILTER STACK, 480/560/595/660/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03219-02BASSY, FILTER STACK, 480/560/595/642/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03219-03AASSY, FILTER STACK, 505/570/595/660/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03219-03BASSY, FILTER STACK, 505/570/595/642/745Separation & Preparation 51,450.00 

      750-03228-01AASSY, BF APERTURESeparation & Preparation 5,488.00 

      750-03230-01AASSY, CONDENSER LENSSeparation & Preparation 12,181.00 

      750-03245-01BASSY, LASER TOWER, 405nmSeparation & Preparation 18,012.00 

      750-03245-02AASSY, LASER TOWER, 488nmSeparation & Preparation 22,295.00 

      750-03245-03BASSY, LASER TOWER, 561nmSeparation & Preparation 22,295.00 

      750-03245-04CASSY, LASER TOWER, 592nmSeparation & Preparation 24,010.00 

      750-03245-05AASSY, LASER TOWER, 658nmSeparation & Preparation 20,756.00 

      750-03245-07AASSY, LASER TOWER, 785nm TECSeparation & Preparation 22,981.00 

      750-03245-08AASSY, LASER TOWER, 488nm DIODE LASERSeparation & Preparation 25,725.00 

      750-03245-10AASSY, LASER TOWER, 642nmSeparation & Preparation 22,295.00 

      750-03251-02AASSY, BRIGHTFIELDSeparation & Preparation 66,150.00 

      750-03256-01AASSY, BF MIRROR ACTUATOR, 12 CHANNELSeparation & Preparation 20,580.00 

      750-03256-02AASSY, BF MIRROR ACTUATOR, 6 CHANNELSeparation & Preparation 11,152.00 

      750-03296-01AASSY, AFFS LASER TOWER, 830NMSeparation & Preparation 10,290.00 

      750-03313-02AASSY, LASER FOCUS LENSESSeparation & Preparation 3,381.00 

      750-03314-01AASSY, RETRO FOCUS LENSSeparation & Preparation 2,577.00 

      750-03382-01AASSY, OBJECTIVE, 20X W/ APERTURESeparation & Preparation 55,674.00 

      750-03525-01CASSY, LASER DIODE MODULE, 405nm 120mWSeparation & Preparation 264,600.00 

      750-03526-01CASSY, LASER DIODE MODULE, 658nmSeparation & Preparation 154,350.00 

      750-03527-01DASSY, LASER DIODE MODULE, 785nmSeparation & Preparation 7,644.00 

      750-03528-01DASSY, LASER DIODE MODULE, 830nmSeparation & Preparation 21,952.00 

      750-03577-01CASSY, SYRINGE, 500uLSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

      750-03578-01CASSY, SYRINGE, 25000uLSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

      750-03586-01BASSY, PUMP, 500uLSeparation & Preparation 7,722.00 

      750-03587-01BASSY, PUMP, 25000ulSeparation & Preparation 8,575.00 

      750-03636-02BASSY, 3PORT VALVE ACTUATOR, PLUGGED "TEESeparation & Preparation 10,496.00 

      750-03636-03BASSY, 4PORT VALVE ACTUATOR, "L"Separation & Preparation 10,672.00 

      750-03636-04BASSY, 4PORT VALVE ACTUATOR, "TEE"Separation & Preparation 10,496.00 

      750-03636-05BASSY, VALVE ACTUATOR, 6 WAY DISTRIBUTIONSeparation & Preparation 11,760.00 

      750-03749-01AASSY, MOTOMAGSeparation & Preparation 137,200.00 

      750-03783-01CASSY, LASER DIODE MODULE, 488nm 60mWSeparation & Preparation 242,550.00 

      751-00031-01AKIT, IS100, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCESeparation & Preparation 14,700.00 

      751-01280-01AKIT, BEAD VALVE, IS100Separation & Preparation 8,575.00 

      751-02597-01BKIT, ISX, EDF OPTION, CAMERA1Separation & Preparation 343,000.00 

      751-02597-02BKIT, ISX, EDF OPTION, CAMERA2Separation & Preparation 343,000.00 

      751-03764-01AKIT, SERVICE SPARE PARTS, ISXSeparation & Preparation 58,800.00 

      751-03778-01KIT, ISX, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCESeparation & Preparation 14,700.00 

      751-03959-01AUpgradeKt,WasteUpdate,CorrosionResistantSeparation & Preparation 3,724.00 

      751-04052-01X1UPGRADE KIT, ISX TO MK2, FULLSeparation & Preparation 980,000.00 

      7620L1Assay Service for IL-18 ELISA AssayBiopharm Services 339.00 

      770-01629-10KIT, INSTALLATION, ISX/FS FLUIDICSSeparation & Preparation 2,744.00 

      770-02940-01ASPARES KIT, ASHSeparation & Preparation 6,517.00 

      770-03030-01ASPARES KIT, CABLE, POWERSeparation & Preparation 1,921.00 

      770-03031-01ASPARES KIT, CABLES, SIGNALSeparation & Preparation 1,784.00 

      8000SCPKITSmall Parts: 8000 Series Stirred CellsSeparation & Preparation 2,421.00 

      8003SCPKITLarge Replacement Parts for 8003 SeriSeparation & Preparation 1,784.00 

      8010SCPKITLarge Replacement Parts for 8010 SeriSeparation & Preparation 1,852.00 

      8013-KRat Insulin Kit StandardDetection Solutions 1,755.00 

      8013S-KRat Insulin Sensitive Kit Standards 1mlDetection Solutions 1,755.00 

      8014-KHuman Insulin Kit Standards (1 ml)Detection Solutions 1,755.00 

      8014S-KSensitive Human Insulin Kit Standards2mlDetection Solutions 1,755.00 

      8015-KHuman Proinsulin Kit Standards (2ml)Detection Solutions 1,755.00 

      8016-KLisPro Insulin Kit Standard (2ml)Detection Solutions 2,633.00 


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