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      La (SSB) antigen

      描述:Identity:La ribonucleoprotein, SSB antigen, Sj?gren syndrome antigen B.Source Material:Bovine thymus (New Zealand origin).Clinical Indications:Autoantibodies present in Sj?gren’s syndrome, systemic lu


      La (SSB) ANTIGEN 
      AROTEC_La-SSB_Product_Info.pdf Version/Date: B/04.05.20 
      ATL01-02 La (SSB) antigen 0.20 mg 
      ATL01-05 La (SSB) antigen 0.50 mg 
      ATL01-10 1.0 mg 
      Description of the Product
      Purified from bovine thymus. After coating onto ELISA plates 
      the product will bind autoantibodies to La (SSB). 
      Purity: The La autoantigen (45-50 kDa) is more than 90% 
      pure, as assessed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 
      Concentration: 0.1-1.0 mg protein/ml. 
      Storage: The product is stabilised with 20% glycerol and 0.1% 
      Micr-O-protectTM. Store at -20 o
      C or below (long term) or at 
      C (short term). Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Mix 
      thoroughly before use. 
      Clinical and Biochemical Data 
      Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a common systemic autoimmune 
      inflammatory disorder characterised by lymphocyte-mediated 
      destruction of exocrine glands leading to diminished or absent 
      glandular secretion1-4. SS may present as a primary disease 
      or in association with other systemic autoimmune diseases 
      (referred to as secondary SS). Autoantibodies to the La (SSB) 
      antigen can be detected in the sera of up to 87% of patients 
      with primary or secondary SS5,6. The presence of anti-La 
      (SSB) autoantibodies usually coincides with the presence of 
      anti-Ro (SSA) autoantibodies7
      , however the fact that anti-Ro 
      autoantibodies are far more common in other rheumatological 
      conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) and 
      mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) suggests that anti-La 
      is more specific for primary and secondary SS than anti-Ro8,9

      Anti-La autoantibodies have also been reported to be present 
      in other clinical conditions, most notably in the sera of mothers 
      of infants with neonatal lupus syndrome10, but also in 10 to 
      15% of SLE patients11,12

      binds to the oligo(U) 3' termini of nascent 
      RNA polymerase III transcripts and facilitates transcriptional 
      termination and reinitiation by this enzyme13,-17. It has also 
      been reported to function as an ATP-dependent helicase able 
      to melt RNA-DNA hybrids18. La (SSB) may be involved in 
      other processes as well such as maturation and/or nuclear 
      export of RNA polymerase III products and some aspects of 
      translation19,20. La (SSB) is a highly phosphorylated protein 
      which migrates at about 50 kDa in SDS-polyacrylamide gel 
      electrophoresis21. Phosphorylated residues are present at the 
      carboxy-terminal part of the protein22. At least 8 isoelectric 
      forms (pI range 6 to 7) have been identified23

      The amino acid sequences of both human and bovine La 
      (SSB) antigen have been determined by cDNA cloning and 
      sequencing19,28. Comparison of the two sequences shows 22 
      largely conservative amino acid substitutions with a total of 
      95% identity. Three regions of the La molecule (amino acids 
      1-107, 111-242 and 346-408) are thought to contain the major 
      epitopes reactive with human anti-La sera19,24. The broad 
      cross-reactivity of patient sera with La (SSB) from diverse 
      mammalian species indicates the presence of conserved 
      epitopes25. The use of bovine for the 
      detection of human anti-La (SSB) antibodies has been 
      described by several authors25-27
      The following is an ELISA procedure which can be used to 
      detect anti-La (SSB) autoantibodies in human serum using the 
      ATL01 purified autoantigen: 
      1. Dilute the purified antigen to 0.5-1.0 µg/ml in PBS (10 mM 
      potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, 0.15 M NaCl). 
      2. Coat ELISA plates with 100 µl of diluted antigen per well. 
      Cover and incubate 24 hours at +4o
      3. Empty the plates and remove excess liquid by tapping on a 
      paper towel. 
      4. Block excess protein binding sites by adding 200 µl PBS 
      containing 1% BSA per well. Cover and incubate at +4o

      5. Empty plates and apply 100 µl of serum samples diluted 
      1:100 in PBS / 1% BSA / 1% casein / 0.1% Tween?
      Incubate at room temperature for 1 hour. 
      6. Empty plates and add 200 µl PBS / 0.1% Tween?
       20 per 
      well. Incubate 5 minutes then empty plates. Repeat this step 
      7. Apply 100 µl anti-human IgG-enzyme conjugate 
      (horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase) diluted in 
      PBS / 1% BSA / 1% casein / 0.1% Tween?
       20 per well and 
      incubate for 1 hour. 
      8. Repeat step 6. 
      9. Add enzyme substrate and stop the reaction when 
      10. Read absorbance in an ELISA spectrophotometer. 
      1. Molina, R. et al. (1986) Am. J. Med. 80, 23 
      2. Bloch, K.J. et al. (1965) Medicine 44, 187 
      3. Fox, R.I. et al. (1986) Arthritis Rheum. 29, 577 
      4. Aziz, K.E. et al. (1992) Aust. NZ J. Med. 22, 671 
      5. Manoussakis, M.N. et al. (1986) Scan. J. Rheumatol. 61, 89 
      6. Harley, J.B. et al. (1986) Arthritis Rheum. 29, 196 
      7. Craft, J.E. & Hardin, J.A. (1987) J. Rheumatol. 14 S13, 106 
      8. St. Clair, E.W. (1992) Rheum. Dis. Clin. N. America 18, 359 
      9. Harley, J.B. (1989) J. Autoimmun. 2, 383 
      10. Buyon, J.P. et al. (1989) J. Clin. Invest. 84, 627 
      11. Reichlin, M. (1986) J. Clin. Immunol. 6, 339 
      12. Wiascewk, C.A. & Reichlin, M. (1982) J. Clin. Invest. 69, 835 
      13. Stefano, J.E. (1984) Cell 36, 145 
      14. Gottlieb, E. & Steitz, J.A. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 841 
      15. Gottlieb, E. & Steitz, J.A. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 851 
      16. Maraia, R.J. et al. (1994) Mol. Cell Biol. 14, 2147 
      17. Maraia, R.J. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 3383 
      18. Bachmann, M. et al. (1990) Cell 60, 85 
      19. Chambers, J.C. et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18043 
      20. Bachmann, M. et al. (1989) Mol. Cell Biochem. 85, 103 
      21. Pruijn, G.J.M. (1994) Man. Biol. Markers Dis. (Kluwer Acad. 
       Publ.) B4.2/1-14 
      22. Pfeifle, J. et al. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 928, 217 
      23. Francoeur, A.M. et al. (1985) mol. Cell Biol. 5, 586 
      24. McNeilage, L.J. (1990) J. Immunol. 145, 3829 
      25. Chan, E.K.L. & Tan, E.M. (1987) J. Exp. Med. 166, 1627 
      26. Zhang, W. & Reichlin, M. (1996) Arthritis Rheum. 39, 522 
      27. Chan, E.K.L. et al. (1986) J. Immunol. 136, 3744 
      28. Chan, E.K.L. et al. (1989) Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 2233 
      Micr-O-protect is from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Mannheim, 
       20 is a registered trademark of ICI Americas Inc. 
      NOTE: No patented technology has been used by AroTec 
      during the preparation of this product. 


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